Night Fifty-One (When Everything Burned Down)

362 29 0

December 28, 2018
11:52 P.M.

Shawn: Camila.

Shawn: I'm sorry.

No response.

Shawn: Something came up earlier and I needed to go somewhere.

No response.

Shawn: You're probably asleep already. But, Camila, please know that I really am sorry.

Camila: no

Camila: i'm still awake

Shawn: Hey.

Shawn: Can I call you?

Camila: it's late shawn

Camila: let's just sleep

Shawn: Camila, I'm really sorry.

Camila: okay

No response.

Shawn: You're distant.

No response.

Shawn: Camila.

Shawn: Please don't be mad.

Camila: i'm not

Shawn: I'm sorry.

Camila: it's fine

Camila: are you okay?

Shawn: What?

Camila: you told me something came up

Shawn: I'm fine.

Shawn: It was Hailey. She needed some help.

Camila: yeah i saw the post

Shawn: What post?

Camila: hers

Shawn: Oh.

Camila: she thanked you for tonight

Camila: it's good for you to be there for her

Shawn: She got cheated and needed a shoulder to cry on.

Shawn: But, that's not the thing.

Shawn: I'm sorry if I made you wait.

No response.

Camila: you're probably tired

Camila: from all the haste

Shawn: I'm okay.

Camila: you should take a rest

Shawn: No, I still want to talk to you.

Camila: i think i need some sleep now

Camila: sorry

Shawn: Oh.

Shawn: That's fine too.

No response.

Shawn: Good night, Camila.

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