Night Forty-Eight (When The Stars Shine So Bright)

400 27 2

December 26, 2018
10:51 P.M.

Camila: shawn

Camila: go outside

Shawn: Why?

Shawn: It's snowing.

Camila: aww

Camila: it's full of stars here in miamo

Shawn: There's nothing much here tonight.


Camila: beautiful isn't it?

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Camila: beautiful isn't it?

Shawn: Yeah, lovely evening.

Shawn: But, Camila?

Camila: yes?

Shawn: I feel like we haven't finished our talk yesterday.

Camila: WE DID

Shawn: Really?

Shawn: You think so?

Camila: yes shawn i think so

Camila: period

Shawn: Hahaha.

Shawn: Okay, so what are you doing?

Camila: singing and texting you

Shawn: That's even lovelier.

Camila: why? because i'm singing?

Shawn: That and you're texting the most amazing man in Canada.

Camila: not in the world?

Shawn: That's up for you to decide.

Camila: wow

Camila: where's the narcissistic mendes that i know?

Shawn: He might've fallen asleep already.

Camila: oh i hope he doesn't wake up then

Shawn: Savage Camila.

Camila: waves hi

Shawn: You ain't sleepy yet?

Camila: nope

Camila: why?

Camila: getting tired of talking to me now mendes?

Shawn: Not ever, baby.

Camila: baby my ass

Shawn: We don't baby asses, Camila.

Camila: what the?

Shawn: But, you've been telling me that so fine.

Camila: shut up shawn you!

Shawn: How do we start that?


Shawn: Baby steps for babying asses?


Shawn: Fine, but if you change your mind.

Camila: EW

Camila: NOPE


Shawn: Sure, Camila.

No response.

Shawn: Sleep now. It's getting late.

Camila: yeah

Camila: a day flies so fast

Camila: good night canada

Shawn: Good night, Camila.

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