Night Ten (When He Introduced Me To Mrs. Jones)

538 36 2

November 24, 2018
12:30 P.M.

Shawn | Camila

shut thhe helllll up ughhhhh


You're still up for our banter last night?

oh no no no noo nooo

That's a lot of no's.

that wasn't for you shawn


I wish it was haha.

stop copying my texting strategies

They're cute.

i know right?

flips hair

Heyyyyy, that's my line.

by the way, i'm mad at you


You don't sound like one, though.

i did but you were such a distraction

Why, thank you.

face palms

Just please don't faint when you see me in person.

god shawn do you even hear yourself?

but hey hey hey! stop distracting me

Baby, I'm not even trying.

haha funny

That's redundance, Camila.

who cares?

Mrs. Jones.

who's that?

My English teacher.

And, she surely will correct your punctuations, too.

Plus, the capitalizations.

i'll just hope i won't meet her at some random essay examinations

You won't. You're from Miamo, right?

oh my god!


i keep forgetting that i'm mad at you

Why are you mad at me, then?

because youuuu haven't told me your surname yet

Oh, that. You didn't ask me, Camila.

Why? Were you searching me up, as well?


Honesty is the best policy.

not in miami

So, you did search me.

i didn't

stop accusing me

I know you've been dying to do that since the beginning.

I quite understand, Camila.

speak for yourself shawn

go away this convo's owdr



No need to hassle.

shut up

> . <

I'm Shawn Mendes.

go away

Go and search me. It's okay.

ughh shut up i'm going to sleep

You mean, going to stalk me?

. . .

I'll be expecting a reaction paper tomorrow from you.

About me.

Good night, Camila Cabello.

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