Night Eight (When It Became A Routine)

531 34 0

November 23, 2018
11:20 P.M.

Shawn | Camila


Hey, I'm sorry about last night. Something came up.

And, what's that? A new nickname?

i thought that over this morning haha

So, I will not be expecting some sweetie from you now, will I?

i smell disappointment

No shit. You should.


What were you doing?

eating bananas

At this hour?

And, I hope that's not a metaphor.

yep and no it's not a metaphor you naughty shawny boy

I'm only kidding, Camila.

what are you doing?

Playing guitar and texting you.

. . .


. . .

sorry about that

I thought you were having some kind of revenge.

haha no

Something wrong?

no nothing's wrong

it's mama she's telling me to stop eating bananas already otherwise i'll get stomach problems

Well, maybe you should listen to your mama.

shakes head

i should probably brush my teeth now and have some sleep

Me too.

It was nice talking to you again, Camila.

night canada

Good night.

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