Night Fifteen (When We Switched)

472 31 0

November 29, 2018
10:45 P.M.

Shawn | Camila



what are you doinsg?


I just got from a store.

what did you get?

I bought eggs, milk, cream, sugar, and honey. On my way home, I stopped by an ice cream store—parfait partyto buy my cousin something interesting than my Mama's list.


why do i feel like you're reciting a passage from a story?

I'm just too generous not to blow up your image.

why thank youw camial

You do know how to wound me, Shawn.

i know, right? flips hair*

Get those dang right. I don't use asterisk.

and i don't use dang

Fair point, Shawn.

What were you doing, Shawn?

Are you sleepy, brother Shawn?

savage camila

that by the way is an old joke

Oh, it's pretty new here in Canada.

. . .

i hadn't asked you about what your mama was gonna cook. those were an interesting ingredients

sorry about that long pause

Are you busy or something?

no i was just struggling on copying your texting façade

you know all the lowercases and stuffs

I feel sorry for your fingers.

By the way, mama's going to make flan for tomorrow.

what's the occasion?

It's my birthday!

no it's not~

But, I still look good though~

hot comb hot~

I love Bruno Mars.

yeah his songs ace hands down



I don't greet people like that, Shawn. You seriously wound me.

no i take my greeting back

it's not your birthday yet

Whatever, Shawny Boy.

Good night.

. . .

November 30, 2018
12:00 A.M.

Happy birthday, Camila.

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