06 | party planning

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the weekend was too short and before they knew it, school was back around the corner. monday morning. biology.

"ps4 tonight?"

"hyuck, i swear we played minecraft literally all weekend."

"i brought the rainbow chicken back to life!"

"shut up, jeno."

their biology teacher - mr oh - tapped the board at the front of the class to get their attention. "lee, huang, shut your mouths, i'm teaching," he drawled.

"sorry, sir," were the chorus of mumbles in response.

"it would probably help if you opened your exercise book, donghyuck," mr oh remarked, before getting back to the human anatomy topic he was going through on the whiteboard.

"open your exercise book, donghyuck," donghyuck mimicked, rolling his eyes. instead of getting his book out, he got out xiyeon's notebook instead and started crossing off names on the party guest list.

"mr oh is actually really nice, hyuck," jeno reasoned.

"not to me, he isn't," donghyuck scoffed.

"that's because you're annoying," renjun and jeno said in sync.

the two of them grinned and they exchanged a high five, and then jeno ruffled renjun's hair fondly. renjun bristled under his touch, glancing around him nervously. he didn't say anything but just bit his lip anxiously as jeno then squeezed his thigh under the desk.

"anyway, are you guys coming to xiyeon's on the weekend?" donghyuck asked.

"yeah, sure!" jeno replied. "you'll come too, right, renny?"

renjun offered a brief smile. "yeah, i'll come," he said.

"and jae-" donghyuck looked up to stare at jaemin in scrutiny. "why hasn't jaemin said anything for ages?"

"maybe 'cause he actually cares about his grades?" renjun suggested.

"ew," donghyuck scoffed, "who would do that? are you coming though, jae?"

"hm?" jaemin looked up from his biology notes, a blank expression on his face. "sorry, i wasn't listening..."

"yeah, we know."

jaemin put down the pink highlighter next to his assortment of stationary he was using to annotate his work. "um... you gunna tell me what's going on or...?"

"are you going to xiyeon's party, dumbass," donghyuck sighed in exasperation.

"you're coming to xi's?"

jaemin looked up to see a pretty face approach his desk, making his heart flutter and his ears turn red. nancy flipped her hair over her shoulder and perched on the edge of the desk, a little too close for comfort.


"you have to come, everyone'll be there," nancy gushed.

"i-i will," jaemin promised. "um... did you want something?"

"oh, i was just stuck on this part of the heart," nancy told him, pointing to the part in jaemin's sketch. "like, how does that valve even work? i thought... maybe you could explain it to me?"

jaemin was starting to wonder how his heart was even still working.

"ooh," donghyuck smirked at them. "go on then, jae, explain."

jaemin felt his breath catching in his throat and he struggled to even remember what biology was with nancy looking at him expectantly. "uh, sure!" he agreed finally, clearing his throat. "so basically..."

there was a knock on the classroom door and a kid from a different class came in to see mr oh. the chatter resumed, some students working and others slacking.

donghyuck's ears pricked at the sound of the door and his gaze followed the kid into the room. once he'd given a message to mr oh from another teacher, donghyuck hissed over, "daehwi! get your ass over here!"

hyunjin and seungmin were asking mr oh a question at that point, so the teacher didn't notice lee daehwi from the year below sneak over to donghyuck's table.

"whatcha want, dongy?" daehwi asked, leaning on the table so his butt stuck out.

"call me hyung," donghyuck whined. "is there no respect in the twenty-first century?"

"fine, dongy-hyung," daehwi grumbled. "what is it? mr do is gonna kill me if i don't go back to physics."

"we've got him next lesson," renjun groaned. he felt jeno's thumb tracing circles on his thigh, and his groan was cut short. he pushed jeno's hand away and shuffled over slightly.

"just wanna know if you're coming to xiyeon's party," donghyuck told daehwi, tapping the fluffy-topped pen on his notebook while waiting for an answer.

daehwi glanced at them all in turn. donghyuck had an eyebrow raised, jeno and renjun were having some kind of intense accusatory staring contest, and jaemin... daehwi's gaze lingered on jaemin for a few seconds too long, and nancy who was engaged in a lengthy biology discussion.

donghyuck snapped his fingers in daehwi's face. "well?"

"yeah... i guess i can make room in my schedule for you guys," daehwi joked, pretending to flip his non-existent long hair.

"you'll also be making room in your schedule for a detention with mr do."

mr oh appeared behind daehwi, clapping a hand to the scrawny boy's shoulder. daehwi's eyes widened. "sorry, sir," he mumbled.

"go back to class," mr oh told him, waving the boy off with a smile. "and nancy? i'm your teacher, not mr na over here. please ask me if you weren't paying attention the first time - it is what i'm paid for after all."

nancy sighed. "sorry, sir," she said, and went back to her seat.

the lesson resumed, and so did the conversation. jaemin was too much of a mess to highlight anything else so he actually listened to the party talk this time.

"so, can you actually explain what's happening with this party, hyuck?" jaemin asked through a wide yawn.

"fine, if you really weren't listening the last seven times i explained," donghyuck answered with a roll of his eyes, "the party's on saturday, arrive at 7pm at xiyeon's house and she said we can sleep over that night. got it?"

"okay, okay, i get it," said jaemin. "this means i have to get her a birthday present, right?"

donghyuck practically slapped the desk at that. "yes you fucking do! at least a card, you dumb fuck, it's her birthday."

"she's your girlfriend," jaemin mumbled tiredly.

"yes, i'm aware."

"is the entire student body coming to this party?" renjun put in.

"pretty much."

"it's gonna be a shitfest."


a | n
and little did renjun know...
hE wAs riGhT

also daehwi appeared! ((what did u think of him?))

anyways party next chapter hopefully - it was the original idea for the start of this book but it got pushed further into the plot lol

this chapter was kind of a mess :/

should i start putting songs/tagging fics or authors i like at the end of each update? (since i never update myself)

love you guys lots xoxo

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