20 | nothing lasts forever

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despite the fact that it had been raining all weekend, donghyuck was in a terrific mood.

with his phone in his pocket and a grin on his face, he bounded down the stairs and snuck into the hall to find his shoes. he'd been stuck inside trying to study for the exams, watching the rain trickle down the window panes, and missing xiyeon like hell. she couldn't text much either, since she was also studying and trying to keep their relationship a secret from their parents.

she was the first person donghyuck really felt that strongly about, his first serious girlfriend. no one told him how much missing her would hurt.

"hyuck... where are you going?"

donghyuck froze, only one shoe on, and backtracked into the living room. his brother jisung had paused whatever game he was playing on the ps4, and chenle was curled up on the sofa next to him consuming an entire tub of ice cream by himself.

"where's the hyung at, hm?" donghyuck asked, flicking his younger brother's ear in distaste.

"fine, hyung," jisung scoffed. "where are you sneaking off to? it's like 9pm already."

"yeah, exactly," donghyuck shot back, feeling his cheeks start to flush, "it's past your bedtime."

jisung was about to throw the ps4 controller at him but, at the last moment, changed his mind and switched the solid lump of expensive plastic for a pillow. it hit donghyuck's knee with a soft thump.

"ow, that's abuse," donghyuck complained, and hurled the pillow back in jisung's face. he tried to slip away again but jisung's drawl of suspicion held him back.

"don't you have an exam tomorrow?"

donghyuck scowled at him. "why is chenle still here?" he countered, not answering the original question.

jisung stroked chenle's fluffy hair protectively, throwing a look of annoyance at his older brother. "he's mourning," he explained, as if it was obvious.

donghyuck glanced over at the chinese boy who was staring miserably into the tub of strawberry ice cream, eating it spoon by spoon. "but he's been here for three days," he objected.

jisung threw the pillow at him again in  defense and pulled chenle onto his lap, squishing him like his own personal teddy bear. "yeah, and he's still mourning! no one told you not to cry when knickerbockerglory the fish died."

"i was heartbroken!" donghyuck argued, "and i was eight, okay eight. anyway, why-?" he stared at the situation in front of him and it suddenly dawned on donghyuck why chenle was upset. "...oh... is this because of lai-"

"don't say his name!" jisung hissed, clamping his hands over chenle's ears to block out the sound.

"okay, okay, i'm sorry," donghyuck apologised, holding his hands up in surrender. "hang on, is that my ice cream? it is! i bought that last week-"

chenle turned to give him the most sorrowful pout donghyuck had ever seen, letting out a depressive whine.

"let him keep it and i won't tell mom on you?" jisung suggested quickly.

donghyuck considered this for a second. he was almost swayed by the ice cream, but seeing xiyeon was more important. she was the only thing more important than ice cream.

"okay, fine," he grumbled. "if i'm not back by the time they come home from their date, you'd better cover for me, got it? and i know you're usually shit at keeping promises, jisungie."

"i am not!" jisung protested. "i'll cover for you, okay? just go already."

donghyuck beamed at his little brother and left as quickly as he could, stuffing his shoes on laces untied and practically skipping out of the house. he couldn't wait to see xiyeon again. one weekend was two days too long.

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