17 | sunny weather

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"i'll just drop you boys off," said jeno's mom, pulling up outside the house, "i've got to get to an appointment, but i'll be back to make some dinner for you both."

"thanks, mom," jeno grinned at her as he helped renjun out of the car.

"help yourself to anything in the fridge!" jeno's mom told them, "except the cake, that's for the weekend. go and study in the garden or something, enjoy the weather, okay?"

"yes, mrs lee," renjun nodded, taking jeno's hand to get out of the car on his bad ankle.

"okay, well, text me if there's any problems," jeno's mom said, starting the engine again, "remember - no strangers, no knives, no fires. enjoy yourselves!"

they waved goodbye and mrs lee drove away to her appointment, leaving the two boys alone in the house.

with the car well out of sight, jeno intertwined his fingers back with renjun's, swinging their connected arms happily. "whatcha wanna do, renny?" he asked, the bright grin still on his face.

renjun smiled, sleepy in all the sun they were getting the last few weeks. "i just wanna do nothing," he yawned. "but we should study..."

"do we have to?" jeno groaned.

"the first exam is next week, jenny," renjun pointed out in protest.

"okay, fine," jeno conceeded. he scooped renjun up and carried him into the house, setting them both off giggling all the way up the stairs to jeno's bedroom.

he gently tossed renjun onto the mattress, both beaming and breathless. renjun looked so ethereal in that moment, skin glowing and golden from the sun, eyes sparkling, and the adorable sound that came out of his mouth when he laughed. jeno was so incredibly, unbelievably lucky.

"come here," renjun said, the smile still spread across his face as he pulled jeno closer by his school tie.

jeno obliged and climbed onto the bed next to renjun, closing the space between them, until renjun made the first move and kissed him slowly. it made jeno's heart ache with affection, the slow, soft pressure of renjun's lips entrapping him in an agonising need for more.

"shit," renjun breathed, pulling away.

"what is it?" jeno mumbled, hands working their way into renjun's hair.

renjun laughed again, the sound like music to jeno's ears. "the biology exam's on monday," he groaned, and reached up to instead intertwine jeno's fingers with his own.

jeno sighed and their connected hands fell into renjun's lap. "i'm gonna fail anyway," he reasoned, burying his face in renjun's neck.

"no you're not," renjun told him firmly, "you're good at science, and you know a lot about biology." he broke the serious mood with his giggles at the way jeno's lips tickled his neck.

"let's go study in the garden then," jeno decided, meeting renjun's eyes. "it's still hot outside."

"okay," renjun agreed.

he watched as jeno rummaged through his closet to find more appropriate clothes for them to wear, since the school uniform was stifling in the heat. he threw renjun a pair of pink boardshorts from the back of the cupboard, and then continued to look to find some for himself.

"you sure these will fit?" renjun questioned, smiling at the colour despite his worries about the sizing.

"don't worry, they're my old ones," jeno answered, his voice coming from somewhere deep in his clothes closet.

"how old were you when you wore them?"

there was a long pause before jeno emerged with his current swimshorts - unsurprisingly in a rainbow striped print.

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