10 | eyes nose lips

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it was dark outside now and eyes nose lips was playing through the speakers.

the night had grown cold and one by one the others had all gone inside, leaving jeno and renjun alone on the grass. they swayed in time to the flow of the music, hands intertwined. jeno spun renjun around on his good foot, and renjun giggled giving a few twirls.

"wanna slow dance?" jeno asked softly then, meeting renjun's eyes.

renjun tilted his head to the side shyly. "i haven't done that before," he mumbled.

"never?" jeno pulled renjun's hands up to connect them around his own neck. "not at a school dance... or at christmas?"

renjun shook his head. jeno moved his own hands down to renjun's lower back and started swaying gently from side to side. renjun finally seemed relaxed, and jeno savoured the moment. he couldn't even pick the exact moment he started liking renjun, but he knew he was falling for him harder and harder each day. yet most of the time the chinese boy was reserved and unresponsive to his affection, and jeno sometimes doubted whether renjun truly liked him. it was moments like these that made those worries disappear.

"i... like," renjun murmured, pulling himself against the warmth that jeno radiated. he knew he'd drunk far too much already but it was making him irrational and oblivious, and making it difficult to think.

"you like what?" jeno laughed as he hugged renjun tightly, "me, i hope?"


"gee, thanks," jeno drawled. he was happy to have renjun in his arms, safe and protected from everything else.

"and you," renjun added with a giggle.

jeno was practically beaming. he buried his face in renjun's hair and breathed in his scent. and until the end of the song, it was just the two of them together, and the stars.

"renny," jeno whispered suddenly.


"i'll be back in a second," jeno promised. he untangled his arms from around renjun's body and dashed inside.

his bladder had a way of ruining the best moments.

jeno sprinted up the stairs, figuring it was a safe bet that a bathroom would present itself somewhere on that floor. however when he found it, the door was shut. jeno knocked and listened for a response.

"w-who is it?"

"it's jeno."

"ah... jeno-hyung... i- um, there's a bathroom downstairs, i'm kind of-"

jeno frowned at the voice and asked, "daehwi, is that you?"

"y-yeah, hyung, i-it is."

"you okay in there?"

"yeah! everything's fine."

jeno shrugged and ran back down the stairs to find another bathroom. he finished up as quickly as he could to get back to renjun, but voices just down the hallway made him stop and hesitate to listen.

"wait... so you don't like jaemin?"

jeno's ears pricked up. it didn't count as eavesdropping if it was about his best friend.

"duh, of course not eunbin," another voice replied. "i need to get the best grades in our exams, and he's the biggest nerd there is."

jeno crept closer to the voices and his heart went cold. he could hardly believe what he was hearing.

"so you're pretending to like him so he'll give you, like, extra tuition?" eunbin questioned dumbly.

"mm-hm. he's obviously fallen for me, so why not have him make my revision notes and stuff? i'm practically guaranteed one hundred percent already."

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