38 | prom date

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"that suit is asking to get stained, dude."

jeno grinned at donghyuck as they stepped out of the store after his final suit fitting. "if you spill your drink on me on purpose now, i'll fucking kill you."

"it's white," donghyuck emphasised, "i won't be able to help myself."

jeno just rolled his eyes and they continued walking, heading to their next stop on the prom items collection tour: picking up xiyeon's corsage from the florist. "i'll add a little colour to my outfit," he promised, having already formed an idea in his head.

"i may not be a mind-reader, but i have a pretty good idea of what you mean," donghyuck replied. jeno was predictable, and it was easy to guess what he would bring to prom to add a splash of colour to every picture he'd be in.

jeno just laughed knowingly, a lot more relaxed about the whole thing now that renjun had agreed to be his date. prom seemed like a whole lot of fun now.

they stopped off at the florist next to pick up a corsage made from red roses and sprigs of white flowers that donghyuck had thoughtfully chosen to match the colour scheme he and xiyeon were going for. at the rate they were going to coordinate, jeno wouldn't be surprised if they ended up being voted prom king and queen.

"why don't you get some flowers for renjun?" donghyuck suggested suddenly. he'd become a lot softer now that he was thinking about xiyeon again.

"he won't tell me what colour he's wearing," jeno mused, peering down at some of the samples of fake flowers that were on display.

"get white then," donghyuck said helpfully, "to match your suit."

jeno paused. "you know, that's actually a good idea."

"why do you sound so surprised?" donghyuck demanded, "i come up with good ideas all the time."

so jeno bought a small pocket-sized bunch of white flowers that renjun could pin to his suit jacket, and they continued on out of the store.


jeno picked up the call with a smile, practically skipping along the pavement when he heard the voice on the other end. "hey, renny, what's up?"

"we're nearly done over here if you want to meet. did you get everything done?"

"mhm, we picked up a few things." jeno grinned, picturing renjun's confused expression in his mind.

"like what? other than the corsage for xiyeon, which i knew you were getting..."

"sorry, can't say," jeno teased, "it's a surprise."


"i'm not telling you!"

"fine, well we have a surprise for you over here. you will not believe what colour jaemin's hair is-"

"colour?! i thought he was just getting a trim!"

"ah... yeah, not exactly. see you in a bit?"

"alright, i'll see you soon, baby." jeno waited for renjun to hang up and slid the phone back into his pocket. beside him, donghyuck was making gagging noises.

"you guys are gross," he declared, "no one should be allowed to be that sickeningly cute. it should be illegal."

"you're just jealous that we're cuter than you and xiyeon," jeno smirked.

"yeah yeah, whatever you wanna believe," donghyuck said with a scoff, "oh, how are you getting to prom, by the way?"

"jaehyun-hyung and taeyong-hyung are taking me and renjun, and jaemin obviously," jeno answered.

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