25 | tag, you're it

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"thank you," renjun said quietly as he pulled up outside the school gates in his mom's car.

"don't be late after school," mrs huang answered, "don't forget, i'm taking you to the hospital straight after the exam."

"yes, mom," renjun nodded, before slipping out of the car and hurrying over to the exam hall as fast as he could.

so much had already happened that week, renjun could barely keep track of it all. he'd been seriously missing jeno since the abrupt ending to their after school study sessions, and things had been left on a weird note after the fight with jaemin on wednesday. on top of that, renjun had been up all night studying for the final math exam, only to wake up with his inbox blowing up with notifications. he hadn't read any of the texts yet, rushing out of the house just to get to the exam on time. it probably wasn't anything life-changing anyway.

at least it was friday. and at least he was finally getting the damn ankle brace off.

"oh my god, i can't believe he actually came to school."

"god, i wouldn't. i'd be so embarrassed..."

renjun frowned, whispering voices a constant buzz in his ears as he crossed the school yard over to the hall. people kept staring at him. why were they staring at him? renjun worried for a second he still had breakfast or toothpaste on his face, but the way the heads turned in his direction was more unnerving than that.

it was like they all knew something he didn't.

the only person who didn't look his way was donghyuck, who was in a heated conversation trying to comfort one of nancy's friends - eunbin by the looks of things. jeno seemed distraught near the entrance to the exam hall, and jaemin was skulking near the lockers. trying his best to ignore the stares, renjun hurried down the corridor to dump his bag (and maybe speak to jeno long enough to find out what the hell was going on.)

"r-renny, i didn't mean for any of this to happen, i swear i-"

renjun stopped an agonising foot away from jeno, cutting him off with just a look - the look in his eyes that begged for an explanation. "i don't understand, jeno," he said, his voice breaking slightly on jeno's name. "what the fuck is going on?"

jeno studied renjun's expression and frowned, whilst still trembling at the fear of what the chinese boy would say to him. "what do you mean? i thought you'd have seen it by now..."

renjun's breath caught in his throat. "seen... what?" his pulse started to race as jeno reached into his pocket for his phone on instinct.

"i-i'm not sure you want to-" jeno's phone quivered in his shaking hands, "the exam- maybe it's better if-"

"just show me!" renjun begged.

jeno gulped and unlocked his phone, brows furrowing as he obeyed renjun's demands. he knew it would be better for renjun not to see the video, especially not right before their final math exam. but he couldn't say no to those pleading eyes.

"here," he said, hardly able to get the word out as he handed his phone over.

it was hard to look at renjun's face as the chinese boy took in the image moving on the screen. jeno blamed himself for renjun's anguish, of course he blamed himself. he of all people knew just how scared renjun was of coming out, and he'd gone and let it happen. he was left with a guilty conscience, knowing he'd hurt the person he loved the most.

but the worst part was how renjun didn't say anything. he didn't ask questions or yell at jeno, or accuse him. his eyes just started to well up with shameful tears, and an angry, embarrassed flush stained his cheeks. he pushed the phone into jeno's chest, lower lip trembling as he fought not to cry.

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