11 | final consequences

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sunday morning came around like a slap to the face.

a literal slap to the face - because xiyeon was hurriedly trying to wake donghyuck from a deep slumber, because her parents had arrived home sooner than expected.

"hyuckie... wake up," she begged, cringing at the sharp noise the slap made.

"fuck! ow!" donghyuck shrieked, clutching his hand to his cheek. "this side already got punched, xixi...remember?"

donghyuck's cheekbone was reddish and bruised, and his other cheek now had a bright pink hand print.

"i didn't mean to hit you that hard," xiyeon reasoned. she cradled his cheek with her hand and kissed his nose in apology.

"fucking bdsm," donghyuck muttered.

"seriously, hyuck, look at the place," xiyeon said in a helpless tone, "it looks like we've been fucking burgled, and my parents just pulled up outside!"

donghyuck groaned sleepily and pulled her back down onto his chest, wrapping his arms around her like a teddy bear. "five more minutes," he mumbled.

"hyuckie!" xiyeon said, her anxiety showing through the increasing pitch of her voice, "they're gonna actually kill me! my parents are probably halfway to the front door by now! babe!"

donghyuck opened one eye with a sly smile. "babe?"

xiyeon gave him an unimpressed look. "you're not getting called that again at the rate you're going," she said.

"aw... but it's cute!" donghyuck puffed out his cheeks and rubbed at his tired eyes.

the keys rattled in the lock and footsteps resounded in the hallway. everyone was passed out in the living room (apart from a few exceptions) and the place was trashed. empty cans littered every available surface and xiyeon was pretty sure someone had vomitted somewhere because the place stank.

"xiyeon-ah, you have a lot to answer for, darling."

xiyeon closed her eyes and sighed inwardly. her parents walking in on a bunch of sleeping hungover teenagers, and her lying on top of donghyuck, wasn't good in anyone's books. she anticipated the worst - having her phone taken away, being grounded...

but she didn't imagine for a second what the final consequence would be.

"right, i want everyone out in the next half hour," said xiyeon's dad with a grim expression.

"and then you can clean up, young lady," xiyeon's mom added sternly.

donghyuck sat up then and stretched. "what's going on?" he mumbled, blinking at the two adults. when he realised who they were, he blurted, "fuck!"

which wasn't exactly the best way to greet your girlfriend's parents whose home you just destroyed.

"hyuckie..." xiyeon said quietly, "wake up the others and get them home, okay?"

donghyuck frowned at her solemn expression. "are you gonna be okay? xi-"

"xiyeon, we'd like a word in the study please," xiyeon's mom interrupted.

xiyeon got slowly to her feet, tucking a mess of hair behind one ear. her other hand was still intertwined with donghyuck's. "but-"

"now, darling," said her dad firmly. xiyeon pulled away from donghyuck's grasp and the family disappeared into the study.

donghyuck fell back into the hard floor and groaned. he'd really fucked up this time. it's not like he could even remember the last hour or two of the party, when they'd all somehow fallen asleep. yet he felt like he'd let xiyeon down somehow; she was going to get the brunt of the blame for this, and he should've done more to stop the party from being such a mess.

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