33 | perfectly complicated

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"stop biting your lip, hyung, i'm sure it'll be fine," jaemin sighed, trying to concentrate on the tv screen whilst taeyong nibbled at his lower lip in worry.

it was early afternoon on a weekday and university was out for the summer, so taeyong was spending most of his time at jaehyun's place (unsurprisingly). it had also been taeyong's suggestion to watch rick and morty whilst jaehyun went out, and jaemin was the only one who seemed to be watching at all.

"what if she's really mad?" taeyong murmured, focusing neither on jaemin nor the tv, but the clock on the mantlepiece that just didn't stop ticking.

"hyung, chill," jaemin told him with assurance, "i don't even think yeri-noona was even that into jaehyun, and even if she is mad - so what? jaehyun could take her in a fight."

taeyong snickered then, hiding a giggle with a scoff as he reached over to tickle the younger in the ribs. "ha ha," he said sarcastically, "i know she won't hurt him, i'm just worried about how she'll react." he paused, once jaemin's squeals and objections subsided. "...how everyone will react..."

jaemin watched the older's smile fade, and he finally paused the tv to pay him some of his full attention. "hyung," he said, "trust me. you don't have to tell everyone at once, but i know for a fact that if you tell my mom she'll squeeze the death out of you and try and adopt you right on the spot."

"you're just saying that," taeyong mumbled, unconvinced, "thank you for being so nice about it, mini-jae, but i know for a fact that people are gonna be confused at the very least."

he fiddled with the cords of the faded grey hoodie he wore, sweating with nerves. it was ridiculous to jaemin to wear something that warm in the summer, but despite his perspiration, the sweater seemed to calm taeyong's nerves. (jaemin knew for a fact that the hoodie belonged to jaehyun, since he'd worn it to absolute death. he didn't comment on that though, since taeyong was already so strung up about coming out with his and jaehyun's relationship.)

at long last, there was the sound of a key in the lock and the front door swung open, jaehyun kicking his shoes off in the hall before coming inside. "hey, what are you two cuddling for?" he said, pretending to be mad at them, "i can't believe you'd leave me for my baby brother, yongie."

taeyong seemed to relax at the sound of jaehyun's voice and he jumped up off the sofa to greet him. "what can i say?" he replied, rolling with jaehyun's teasing, "jaemin's a lot cuter than you."

jaehyun just laughed and pulled taeyong into his arms, burying his nose in his lover's cotton candy coloured hair. "mhm," he agreed, "but you're a lot cuter than the two of us put together."

taeyong snuggled his cheek into the fabric of jaehyun's shirt, clinging on tight. "how did it go with yerim?" he dared to ask, still somewhat nervous about the answer he would get.

jaehyun finally let go and walked over to the couch, taking a seat and pulling taeyong onto his lap. jaemin hesitated, deciding whether to leave or not, but figured he might as well hear this too, even if it meant he had to suffer through taeyong and jaehyun's suffocating cuteness.

"actually," jaehyun began, "i think it went surprisingly well. i told her everything that happened, and she kind of admitted things hadn't been going well between us for a while anyway."

"that's what i told hyung just now and he didn't believe me," jaemin pointed out.

jaehyun cracked a smile at that and rested his chin on taeyong's shoulder. "she was kinda confused at first to be honest," he went on, "but she understood how i felt about all of this after i explained, then we officially broke up, and she wished me luck in the future. then i came home."

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