Chapter 1

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I slammed my alarm shutting it off, covered my face with the sheet in the hope I could sleep the day a way.

It was the first morning since before the tour I had been able to sleep in my own bed.


My phone interrupts my short slumber. GRRRRRR!!! Niall thought it funny to have as my ringtone for Jeff. Ironic really.

I reach over and and grab the phone without really opening my eyes, "Hello Jeff."

"Where are you??!"

Bolting upright, I'm immediately hit with the realisation its Jeff. Holy crap! I had completely forgotten that I was suppose to be at the studio.

Working for Jeff as his PA was hard work but mostly rewarding. I had started as an intern with the company after I had finished college. I didn't really have a clue as to what I wanted to do so it  seemed like a good move. Plus as it turned out I was really good at it and have loved being able travel the world with the best group of people.

"Give me an hour. I will be right there. So sorry my alarm didn't go off". I lied.

"Just hurry up and get your arse here!" Jeff snapped back.

"Okay." I replied hanging up, thinking obviously he hadn't gotten his morning coffee.  I quickly got up, I had a shower and changed, trying to feel less tired than I was.

As I headed downstairs, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen, a shot of fear bolts through me, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I live alone when I am at home, don't even have a cat so this noise is definitely not welcomed. I slowly crept down the stairs looking for a weapon to defend myself. I grab a broom that I had left out from cleaning up a glass that I had broken last night.

As I head towards the kitchen down the hallway with my broom, I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder. I jumped, swung around, without looking, broom still in hand, slamming him in the stomach.

"Fuck me!!! What the hell did you do that for??!!" He yelled as he rubbed his side.

"You scared the shit out of me, you dick!" I yelled back at him.

It was Niall. I had forgotten he was coming to pick me up so we could "catch up" before I had to start work at the studio. We had been dating for a few weeks now, or trying to, but with him on his flicker tour and me travelling with Jeff on Harry's tour, it had been hard to get time alone.
I put the broom down and push him against the wall, lifting his shirt to find a red mark had flared up on his skin. I lowered my head to give it a quick flick of my tongue and a kiss. I lowered his shirt and I lift my head to meet awesomely mesmerizing eyes.  

"See all better and that will teach you for sneaking up on me." I said.

A smirk appeared on his face before he spoke in a low voice, "It seems it was worth it."

He pulled me in closer so I could feel his body touching mine, his hands on my lower back made my body tingle. As he started to lower his lips to mine, I felt a vibration in my front pocket of my skinny jeans. I reach to get my phone out and see it's Jeff again, probably wondering where I am.

"Shit" I say, "as much as I want to continue, I have to get to the studio".
Niall rolled his eyes and reluctantly let me go.
"Okay, better get you there before Jeff has a heart attack".

Once we arrive at the studio, I turn to Niall to ask if he is coming in.
"Nope, got my music video shoot today but will pick you up later. Say hi to Harry for me". He said giving me a quick kiss as I get out of the car, slightly disappointed he can't come in. Then he's gone.

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