Chapter 5

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Everything happened so fast. You lost the grip on reality and the shadows overtook my mind with echoes and flowering hate. You  were feeling so much rage; it couldn't be yours. You felt like a peanut inside it's shell, hearing and feeling everything, yet unable to act. A bystander, a guest, an audience. No. This, this was someone else's feelings. Perhaps, the creature's.

You had no body in this realm. Your spirit or soul hovered over the black nothingness with an unending rage and  grief. Loneliness that was nothing but the creaking of a rusty door being opened and slammed by a repetitive wind.

But what does an eldritch grief about? What creature's heart unsheathes itself to such emotions? Well, this one does.

As you flew over the void you saw three bright lights hovering. They didn't moved, they just twitched in their triangular formation.

If you had a voice you would have asked them anything about themselves, but you were nothing at the moment.

Suddenly, the lights started materializing into a huge rock that caught itself in fire. The void was filled with billions of white dots and ahead there was a blue ball with white spots. If your face was visible you would've shown a great deal of confusion. But this is not your story and it does go on.

The ball crashed and everything exploded into chaos. What once seemed peaceful and untouched, was now being reigned by madness and violence. But this destruction brought forth a different kind of peace, he kind that you feel when you are anticipating. And through all the changes the surroundings went through, the crash site remained the same and the rock was untouched.

Not too late you realized this was how the earth came to be. Eventually Pennywise had destroyed the beautiful thing it was and created something different and to its image. Something chaotic and violent that brought forth the human race. Chaotic and violent.

And even though it woke up every 27 years to feed and explore his "creation", there was a downfall that plague him at night. The old fool made it first. That big old fart had taken away the first place prize on altering the void. This fact maddened him to no end. Herein, laid the root for his hatred and for his grief. For he was cursed to hunger for everything the turtle made. But he got away with something that changed the rules forever.

Not many centuries ago he struck a bargain with a man. A beautiful high class man. His golden hair and hypnotizing blue eyes brought him back to its own reflection; if he were half as beautiful, of course. This deal was  like a quarter; it had two faces. The man would be able to have any earthly thing he desired. From riches to the most beautiful of women, to lands and slaves and cattle. But when the beast would awoke again, he would reclaim the other side of the quarter.

So the man did anything he wanted and asked for everything he could have. In his mind the beast words were left for interpretation and he had all the time in the world to enjoy himself.

The days bled into months and the man  found out his life couldn't get any better. But the time for the beast's awakening was close, and the man had not yet made peace with life. In a desperate move, he sought an escape to prolong his desires.

He sloppily spent countless pennies seeking the greatest of helps. But when the time came, nothing could stop the hungered animal. The man was beaten and the beast took pleasure in taking his part of the bargain. 

Short chapter I know, very flowery I know. Just needed to get that out of the way. There's something else here and I kind of want you guys to throw guesses. Still, hope you like it, any comment is always welcomed😆

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