(2) Interesting Conversation

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[Y/n's POV]
"Disgusting commoner..." Togami mumbled, propping himself up off the floor with his arms, only for you to grab him by the caller and hoist him off the floor. You pulled him close to your face, your voice only loud enough for him alone to hear. "I suggest you start acting like a person like the rest of us, or else you might end up as an even bigger dissapintment then you already are, do I make myself clear?"

Byakuya's eyes widened at your statement, gritting his teeth in anger. You knew that it was wrong to use information against someone, but you didn't care about that, not right now anyways. You squinted more and gave him another shake rather then ask again, earning from him a small nod. Satisfied with your actions, you let go of his shirt collar, letting the boy fall limply egainst the floor, landing with a heavy thud. It was incredibly rare for you to get this angry, but you couldn't just not do anything about it...

You then turned your attention to the group of fellow teenagers that where watching, studdieng their faces one by one. They all had the same look of shock, with their skin pale and their eyes locked onto you in disbelief. You couldn't blame them for being so surprised, as it was rare for you to speak up until now, let alone yell like you just did. You sighed and cleared your throat, being sure to use your usual tone of voice. "I apologies for my actions, everyone. I usually don't resort to violence, But in this case, I felt it was necessary... Aside from that, I believe that Mondo has a point. This isn't a game, it's a matter of life and death, and we should treat it as such..."

"I... I do?" Mondo questioned, scratching the back of his neck with an eyebrow raised. He looked less petrified now, more confused if anything. You nodded before continuing on with your speech. "Yes, Mondo, you do. Chihiro has one as well. It's better to be friends then strangers or enemies." Everyone began giving eachother looks, thinking it over. Well, except for Togami, who let out an angry growl as he stood, dusting off the front of his tux with one hand.

You grabbed a book from the shelf as everyone began to talk with eachother, making your way out of the library, satisfied with the situation. Not only did you put the great Byakuya Togami in place, but you also helped the bad situation get just slightly better for yourself, and your fellow classmates... Well, you hoped so anyways... You let out a long sigh as you entered the kitchen, flipping the switch on the wall. The room filled with light, showing the surprisingly clean kitchen. Lucky for you, a kettle was already on the stove, filled with water. You asumed that Celestia was planning on making tea aswell, so all you had to do was turn the burner on.

You took a seat at the table and pulled out the book you had grabbed, studdieng the cover. The title at the top read 'lord of the flies' in big bold letters, the picture being a pigs head on a stick, with flies swarming his eyes. You don't remember reading this book, but you have heard alot about it. Might as well start now, as it'll take a while for the water to heat up.

[Mondo's POV]
Fuck that stupid rich bastard.
I growled to myslef in anger, clenching my fists and teeth as I stormed down the hallway. He seemed to gain back his damn confidence pretty quick after (y/n) had left with that book, and started talking shit again. Not only did He talk shit behind her back, but he talked shit to my face! Called me 'misogynistic'. What the fuck does that even mean!? I turned the corner and stormed into the kitchen and went straight for the fridge, grabbing the opened jug of milk. I had only chugged about half of it, jumping at the sudden voice to the left of me. "You shouldn't drink milk that quickly, especially straight from the jug. You could make yourself sick..." she stated. I turned my head slightly, my eyes locking onto the familiar (e/c) ones that stared down at the book in her hands. (y/n) took a sip of a drink she had with her, setting the glass cup back down on the matching plate.

I sighed and put the milk down on the counter, tilting my head slightly to try and get a better look at her. "You damn here have me a heart attack, ya know that. Almost shot milk from my nose."

"You seem tence, angry even..." she stated, turning the page of the book, a small smile on her face. "Why not try some violet tea? It calms your mind when your frustraited or restless."
I scratched the back of my neck, looking at anything accept the girl sitting at the table. This chick was way different then most females I've met, and I sure as hell didn't want to end up on her bad side. "Uh... Na, I'll pass... Thanks anyways I guess..."

"You sure? Might help take your mind off of whatever's bugging you."

"Wait- what makes you say somethin's buggin' me? Nothing's buggin' me!!" I barked, my face getting hotter. I don't know why I felt so fuckin weird about her thinking something was up with me, but I did. Maybe because no one really takes notice? The fact she was a girl didn't help either. I was surprised that my sudden change of tone didn't startle her, not that I meant to yell in the first place. She's not that shorter then I am, just coming up to my chin in height. she was thin though, kinda like a stick. She just put her book down and stood, walking up to meet me in the eyes. "Don't lie to me, Mondo. I can tell when someone's annoyed, and you where practically fuming when you came in. Sit, I'll pour you some tea. Trust me, you'll thank me later." her eyes where a dull (e/c), yet weirdly bright at the same time. It was obvious that she wasn't going to take no for an answer...

"So tell me," she started, handing me a small cup before sitting down across from me. "what made you so angry in the first place?"
I scratched the back of my neck, looking anywhere but Her face. "It was nothing that bad, I guess. Just Togami talking shit, that's all..."

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