intro to this fuckery

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without a doubt, we've all read stories that just annoy us so much that we literally end up screaming, and therefore have someone around us judge heavily.

i decided, why not write all the things that annoy me about some fanfiction, and have people either fight with me on it, or agree with me. because i guarantee someone is going to say something about the fact that i don't have an actual book posted on here, or that i only have a rant book and a faceclaim book - so that means i should just shut up and appreciate others that have more time than me to write.

ye, i'm doing this for me. and those of us that get tired of cliched bullshit. 

so if you get offended over something i write in this, it's probably because you've done it. or you just reallllllyyyyy like that certain thing.

but most of the stuff i put in here, will be stuff that we've all seen and it wasn't executed properly. or we've gone through it, and know how it really is. 

and feel free to ask me to add something that ticks you off!

so onward to the fuckery that's going to be this book.

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