rape is not a plot line.

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if i could scream this from every rooftop in the world i would.

why people decide it's a good fucking idea to have rape be their main plot line, i'll never understand.

sure, make it something that happened - but don't make it the driving force in your story.

it's literally one of the worst things that could happen to a person, and the fact that i've seen authors use it to justify horrible things that their character does make me fucking sick.

ok, so your character was raped. can you tell me how that justifies them being a horrible person to everyone that looks at them? how about instead of doing that, we talk about how it affected them mentally? how it made them feel afterwards? how it affected their relationships with other people? how they're possibly going to therapy because of it? how that can't talk to anyone about it because they feel disgusting and used? how instead of getting low that got pissed? how it pushed them to be better? how it made them change how they saw things?

can we try, for fuck sake, to make it realistic? instead of fluffy? because it's not fluffy. it's not cute. it's not something to make light of. it's a real fucking thing that happens to real fucking men and women.

if you're going to use something dark, do your fucking research before you write it. 

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