don't police my language.

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i have recently received a dm/pm about my use of curse words in this particular story.

i'm sorry, i thought i was a 22-year-old girl that lived in america, and had free speech? i thought that this was my book? i thought these were my opinions?

i'm sorry that you're so much a child that you can't handle words like fuck, shit, and damn. but i pretty sure you've heard worse in your high school, my guy.

another thing i was told was to not curse in the comment section. i'm sorry, see my second sentence above? i'm a 22-year-old - i pay taxes. i have a full-time job. i'm about to be a college graduate. if my cursing in the comment section is to much for your ickle sensitivities, then i won't comment at all - and you can get butthurt about that.

i'm sorry that i curse worse than a drunk sailor, but it was what i grew up around. i'm from the south, where you say yes ma'am and no ma'am - yes sir, no sir. please and thank you. and you never raise or curse at your elders. you won't catch me slippin' and cussing at my mom - because i may be an adult in the eyes of the law, but i can catch that ass whopping from my mom.

i am not here to play to other people's whims. i am not here to censor myself because some folks are too fucking sheltered to even see a curse word - on a site that caters to everyone.

do not pm/dm me, telling me to change who the hell i am. do not police my language because your feelings were somehow hurt because you read a fucking "bad word."

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