tragic backstory

339 24 11

how many times have you gone into a fanfiction, and found that the character had the worst life you can humanly imagine? like the author thought about the worst thing in the world, just to make the character gather pity?

i get it, people can have the worst home life. i get it, i lived it if you wanna go there. my own father was abusive as all hell, and addicted to crystal meth. 

but that type of thing isn't really written to well in fanfiction. because if you've gone through it you know how your psyche is after it. and that doesn't translate well in a fanfic, because it seems glorified.

just because your life sucks doesn't give you the right to treat everyone around you like complete shit, and that's exactly what happens in this type of fanfic. the backstory becomes the excuse for the OC to be an unlikeable pos.

and i get it, you want your character to be edgy. you want them to be #relatable. but why not just give them a good family, that takes care of them, and wants to help them? being normal is great. being normal is relatable. 

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