the sex slave shit

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you've all seen in.

probably never clicked on it, however.

but me being curious i clicked on a story with this shit.

can i just say that was the most unrealistic, ignorant, badly written piece of trash i've ever read.

i guaran-damn-tee that this type of shit is written by 13 year olds that don't even know what a dick looks like in person.

wtf is with underage kids writing porn? like wtf is that? what do you know about sex? cause i know damn well if you live in the states you aint learning shit in sex ed because the shit is non-existent.

i am so confused when i see this plot used because being a sex slave isnt a good thing. it's fucking gross. and it's not cute just because you put it with your favorite fandom. in fact that shit makes it 10x worse.

does anyone even know what im talking about here, or am i alone?

side note: have i used this gd gif? i can't remember, but this was my face when i came across this pile of garbage, so 🤷🏼‍♀️

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