let's just talk about age for a second.

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age is not just a number.
AGE is NOT just A number.

this is gonna be long, and i'm not sorry about. it will also jump all over the place because my thoughts get all erratic because of this topic. sorry about this convoluted piece of trash.

okay, did we all get that? do we understand that? cause ive been reading so fanfics that don't seem to understand the word pedo, or ILLEGAL.

does everyone know what consent laws are? what the age of consent is in their state or country? does everyone understand that if the age of consent where you live is 16 you can't date/fuck a 20 something-year-old? because that's called statutory, and you will catch a case when the parents find out?

now, let's get into some legalese, because i am a paralegal major - meaning every time i take a damn exam, i have to answer questions about this. i also have my associate's in criminal justice, where i had to write papers about consent laws in not only my state but other states as well. i literally have a fucking laminated paper that was given to me by my criminal law professor of all the consent ages in the united fucking states.

do i have a giant opinion on this? you can bet you tight ass i do. why? because in the state of fucking georgia, do you know how many fucking 14-year-old bitches that i know got pregnant by a grown ass man? too many to count, and the age of consent in georgia is 16 - so let that sink in. 

do you know what comes with age? experience. now, i'm not talking about a 20-year-old dating a 25-year-old, that's 5 years. i'm not talking about dating someone that 2, 3, 4, 5 years older than you. i'm talking about the author's that take a fucking teenager and pair them up with a 30+-year-old dude, hell even a 20 something-year-old is not in the same mindset and place as a teenager. 

a teenager can NOT connect with a 30+-year-old man/woman. they have nothing in common. there is no common ground. the dude/woman is literally the one in charge, there is no equality in the relationship. it's also fucking weird that this shit has become so commonplace in fanfictions and pop culture. 

i think people really need to look into consent laws because they fucking matter - no matter how much you think they don't. i also think that people need to look into just how different we are when we start getting older. because some of the shit i did when i was a teenager, albeit that it was only 6 years ago that i was 16 - but i did shit that i wouldn't think of doing now at only 22. hell, talk to your parents about the dumb shit they did when they were younger. what i'm trying to say, look at the mindset that you have if you're a teenager reading this, and go ask someone that's older than you what there's is - you'd be surprised just how different it is.

i don't think we should be glorifying huge ass age gaps, because sure celebrities do it all the time - but they also have money that none of have, and don't really have to see each other every fucking day. whereas us normal ass people see their significant other more than we see our parents, and yes -  that's true whether you want to believe it or not.

so - all i'm saying is to actually think about what you're fucking writing when it comes to age because some of this shit is getting fucking creepy and disgusting.

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