lowkey victim blaming in fanfics

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you're probably gonna think i sound hella triggered rn, and you'd be correct with that.

i can't count how many goddamn times i've started reading a story, and seen the character described as: not girly, tomboy, skater, emo, etc. 

i also can't count how many times i've seen: "why would you want to wear shorts or skirts? do you want to get raped?" said in accordance to whatever was stated previously.

im sorry, what a girl wears doesn't make them easy, slutty, a hoe, or whatever the fuck you young ass children think.

if im wearing a pair of shorts, it does not mean i am easy. it means that it's too fucking hot to be wearing jeans. or because i damn well wanted to.

you are victim blaming when you say: "why would anyone want a shorter skirt? guys are going to be raping you if you do." what the actual fuck? excuse me, no. that's not what we're gonna do. no one fucking asks to get raped, no matter what they wear. 

it is not the girls fault that a dude decided to be the biggest fucking jackass on the face of the planet. it's not the girls fault that a dude wanted to fuck her over for the rest of her life. it is NOT the girls fault that a dude decided that he was going to take what he couldn't get! IT IS NOT THE GIRLS FAULT!

who the fuck taught you ignorant assholes that it all depends on the girl and what she's wearing -  that determines if she's raped or not? i need to know, so i can beat the fuck outta them for being a fucking moron.

also i want to hit on the damn name calling. hoe, slut, easy. those are used to describe females that do the same shit that men do. if i want to experiment in my fucking 20s, ya know the years where you play the field, i will. it does NOT make me a hoe or a slut or easy. why do other females love to drag down other females? wtf is that? and the double standard of it all as well - because if a guy sleeps around he's revered as a god, but if a girl does the exact same fucking thing she's a whore? hello, no. that's not right. 

and you people that write that shit in fanfics or books are a major part of the problem. you perpetuate that every fucking thing that men do that demeans or ruins a woman's life is, in fact, the woman's fault. 

DO NOT turn around and say that all men are asshole. there are decent men out there that will not rape women. that will not cheat. that will not feel inferior if a woman is in a higher position than them in the workplace. NOT ALL MEN DO DISGUSTING THINGS! 

can we stop with the victim blaming, and the name calling of women? ffs, i thought women would stand up for one another, because we know damn well that men stick together regardless of what the fuck they do. so why aren't women the same way?

 so why aren't women the same way?

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