rinse, repeat.

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ya know, if you've ever ventured into the YouTuber or wrestler or band tags here - there seems to be a pattern.

a fucking weird ass pattern that literally makes zero fucking sense when put into those 3 categories.

here is goes: OC has mental illness, OC is abused, OC tries to commit neck rope, OC gets kidnapped, OC gets saved by love interest, OC doesn't evolve as a character, OC is a dramatic, unlikable, POS.

rinse repeat.

yo, wtf is with all the rampant mental illness in fanfics? like what the actual living fuck is that about? im concerned as fuck.

and the kidnapping? is that a fucking fetish? do y'all like making your character a damsel in distress just so she can be saved by the love interest because you can't find a normal fucking way to continue your story? why the FUCK is everything so goddamn dramatic for NO reason?

like your shit doesn't have to go down that route. angst doesn't mean putting your character in disgusting situations to further your fucking story. Jesus Christ.

have your character deal with a family issue, like not having money to pay bills so everyone has to chip in, ya know shameless' gallagher style. have them deal with being lgbtq+. have their best friend turn out to be a snakey bitch - like those are really fucking situations that every day fucking people deal with.

im so damn tired of overly dramatic rinse and repeat stories. there are so damn many that all follow that fucking style to a damn T. if you've read one, you've LITERALLY read them all. there is no discerning characteristic between them, they all end and begin the fucking same.

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