Chapter 18

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I started walking towards the library where from someone's information is where the music teacher is.

Eventually the music will be performed, right? So I discussed about not performing it but Austin will.

For the sake of our grades, making it a little special.

"Oh my! Just thinking about it is already making my heart flutter. Kids nowadays!" She exclaimed.

Excuse me but I am not a kid.

Adults nowadays.

I decided to meet up with the crew, it's so lonely without having someone to talk to.

I went to the garden to see Mel, Lea, and Charles. They seem so busy but here's my chance.

I walked towards them, and stopped. They don't seem to notice me too.

"Hey guys.." I started and they finally noticed me.

"Rian!" Lea exclaimed and stood up to hug me.

"Hey guys, I got food- Rian?" Jer came out of nowhere and looked a bit surprised from seeing me.

"Hey." I said.

We started talking with each other again, although Mel seemed to be a bit tense.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked her and she looked at me surprised but smiled. "Yeah I am. Why wouldn't I be?" She said but although it doesn't convince me enough I let it pass.

"Where the hell have you been, huh?" Charles said.

"Oh well, I just had dramatic problems." I said as its a normal thing to me.

I can't just say that oh well Austin ditched me and am really upset about it so I like cried all the time.

Mel excused herself saying she has to go to the library.

And I took this chance to tell them the secret.

"Oh my god! Really? I actually thought they're secretly are!" Lea said excitedly.

"Awww, but I don't have music class.." Jer complained.

"Want me to take a vid then?" Charles suggested.

"Oh hell yes!" Lea and Jer both said.

"Okay guys calm down, someone might hear us." I laughed at them. "The thing is I won't be in there, the teacher knows too. So yes, obviously I told you guys about this 'cause I need a video too, you know?" I ranted.

I explained them the details and what should Lea abd Charles will do.

Jer had other ideas thatvhe suggested and it sounded nice so I added it too.

"So! It's settled then?!" Lea said.

"Can you like shut your mouth for like one hOLY sEcONd..?!" Charles said looking at Lea.

She stared at him for one second and started squealing again.

We looked ar her disappointedly but not surprised anywho.

Now I just need to fix things with one certain person.

I thought of one thing where he could be right now.

Thinking of the rooftop, I went there and a figure stood in the open area.

I knew it was him.

I slowly walked behind him, "Wow, you don't even want to talk to me?" I casually said as a remark in order to not make this an awkward situation.

"Ri-Rian?" He stuttered then hugged me. I chuckled and hugged back.

"Bro Im so sorry. Please forgive me!" He rambled.

"Bro I forgive you bro. But in one condition." I said and pulled away from him.

I explained the 'revenge' I am planning. And informed him of the people who knows about it.

"Fuck off! I am so not doing that." He said looking like he just heard the nist embarrassing thing a person could do.

"Hey. You should. You want my forgiveness or I'll rather show you no mercy at all hm?" I said and he sighed.

He groaned and said, "Fine! As long as you make sure this won't be embarrassing! Or I'll kill you back.." He said and I nodded.

"Deal. Mr. Ditcher" I said and he glared at me.

"So we're okay now?" He said.


What we didn't know, someone was watching us.


Hi. I am sorry for not updating for centuries, I eventually got author's block which I thought I'll never get but hey faith isn't in my side. Don't worry now y'all I will try to update normally once again even tho school in my country is starting next week. I also have a lot of books to do especially I have another account but don't worry I can manage the struggles. I have a new book which is a kpop fanfic probs not all of you are interested but Im just saying. Thank you for reading at this point. Hoping for more support!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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