Chapter Eighteen

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Regina's worrisome eyes are pleading with Emma to allow her to stay, but her heart is running rampant in her chest, knowing she can't have this conversation with the brunette present. She knows what her friend is thinking and more importantly, she knows Regina is assuming the worst, but Jack's been good.

So good.

Too good.

"One minute, please Regina," she implores and flashes the most adorable puppy dog eyes in hopes her friend will cave and allow she and Jack the privacy they need.

Those soft, loving eyes silently petition against the request, urging for her to stay, but she simply holds Regina's gaze and waits for her to crumble. The woman sighs in defeat before her eyes narrow pointedly at Jack and if looks could kill, Regina would be spewing venom from those dark irises right now and Jack would be lifeless upon the floor at their feet.

Her boyfriend doesn't even falter though as Regina stiffly brushes passed him and disappears into the living room. With Jack's long legs, he's in front of Emma with two strides and breathing heavily into her face. She swallows the fear that is burning a fiery path up her chest and throat as it claws it's way to the surface. She slowly tilts her head back to meet his bloodshot eyes and pleads with herself not to cower away.

Those brown eyes could tell a thousand tales right now, with the all too familiar scent of whiskey on his breath and she knows right away that tonight will be a mystery. He will either succumb to the anger that he keeps bottled up inside and festers deep within his soul or her boyfriend will breakdown from what he believes is his sad little life and cry his eyes out.

"What have you been telling her?" He seethes through his clenched teeth so fiercely that she worries he might crack a tooth.

"I-" there's no sound to her voice as she tries to defend her friend...herself, so she snaps her mouth shut and swallows again to find her inner confidence. "I didn't tell her anything, Jack," she vows, but her voice is hardly speaking at a volume that would be considered a whisper. She's just so terrified that anyone in the next room can overhear them. Her boyfriend leans a little further down into her face and purely on instinct, her back bends from his proximity, granting him the upper hand he seeks. "Jack, I-"

"Save it," he grumbles and holds up his hand to silence her but she flinches. They actually haven't fought in two months and now the fear striking through her is too much to mask her true emotions. A dark, malicious laugh breaks from his curling lips and he leans just a smidge closer into her face. "Do you honestly think I would lay a hand on you, with a house full of people?"

She doesn't reply. Her mouth remains safely locked up while her eyes search his for something, she just doesn't really know what she's looking for. However, knowing that he won't make a violent act and that she stayed perfectly quiet, Jack takes a large step back.

"Jack, Regina didn't mean anything by what she asked, she was just making sure you're okay. I didn't..."

"You didn't what?" He investigates, taking a generous step forward, coaxing her feet to stumble backwards. Her back connects with the kitchen island, finally trapping her like some caged animal. "You didn't mean to tell your new BFF that your boyfriend yells at you when you degrade him and disrespect him?"

"That's not what I said, please stop this," she softly pleads, her hand breaking through the invisible barrier of tension that's rapidly building between them. She tentatively touches his scruffy cheek as a test, if he is calm enough to permit her to continue. Her boyfriend doesn't move, he barely breathes, so she cautiously presses on. Her palm lays against his cheek as her thumb sweeps so tenderly across his cheekbone. "We have been so happy lately and you quit drinking. Please Jack, let's just take a minute to breathe and think about this," she suggests, gently gazing into his eyes, hoping to tame the beast within. "There's nothing to be upset about."

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