🤍Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Reader (Boku no Hero Academia): Secret quirk🤍

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B/n=bully name
Q/p/y/c=quirk of your choice

Reader's pov
I always kept my secret quirk all to myself, it won't like defeat the villains or anything, if I show them I'll be judged by one of my bullies in U.A. named (b/n), he/she was the most meanest person in this school. He/she have an army of skanks, making the group like being the mean girls/guys of the school.
——-—time skip————
I finished the gym class at school, but before I'm open the door that lead me to the rest room to change my clothes, (b/n) came to me with her gang and stop me from opening the door,

"so you want to go to the restroom,right?"

"Yes! Just move b**ch get out the way so I could get inside!"

"Huh! You called me a b**ch, so you want to pick a fight with me! I'm warning you, you're going to have a bad time with me!"

She/He used his/her quirk, (q/o/y/c), to force me to hit the wall! He/She kicked me with full force, maybe she/he kicked me like 67 times.

When she/he trying to finish me with her/his final blow, I heard a voice shouting the quirk that it's using and it's coming towards us, "DETROIT SMASH!!!"

The figure punched (b/n), making his/her face went inside with full force, it send her/him flying across the apartment.

After that, the figure started walking towards me and I realized it was a guy with curly green hair and freckles, he kneeled and give me his hand. Then he asked,

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes I'm fine!"

I took his hand and he helped me stand.

"My name is Izuku midoriya, people called me Deku as a nickname! What's yours?"

"Oh! I'm l/n y/n thank you for saving me!?"

Then Deku took me to the rooftop so he could talk to me in private.

"Is that true you're quirkless like me when I was little?"

"Wait you're quirkless when you're little??!"

"Ya,I always want to be like All Might when I was a kid, then one day I met him when I was 14-15 and he trained me for like 6 months; now I'm like muscular and i successfully went to U.A., I made a lot of friends like Lida and Uraraka-san,"

There was another awkward silence and then he said,

"So...can you show me your quirk?"

"Umm,sure....but do you judge people's qui- "

"I won't judge you, even if it's useless I still love you and I'm glad to meet the person like you!"

You were shocked at that and then you finally got up and accepted his request.

You swipe your two hands horizontally and a (f/c) piano keyboard was formed and you took a deep breath and played a harmony merrily and music notes came flying all over the place where every note in the music was heard. Deku was shocked and you finished your music.

"So do you like my quirk, I know you may think it won't make the villains go away or anything, it didn't even pro-"

"No, I like it! It's like spreading happinesses on people's smiles"

"R-really??! Deku *sobs* thank you so much!"

I hugged Deku and tears were flowing with joy, he patted my head and whispered, "You're talented, that's what it makes you beautiful!"

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