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I was getting my things in my locker when once again just like usual the students begins to scream, rolling my eyes by the noise when suddenly someone patted my shoulder making me to look back "Hey Y/n, Library later? we need to finish our project.." Taemin says as he pat my head, I nodded smiling as he chuckled and walks off.

Remembering I still have lot of activities to finish I sighed and was about to head to my first class when I was slammed into my locker that made me gasped in surprise "WHAT THE!!" I exclaimed and glares at the familiar man in front of me. "HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I TELL YOU THAT YOU'RE MINE!? WHO WAS THAT?!" He says in anger "AND HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I TELL YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE?! WHAT ARE YOU MY BOYFRIEND MY FATHER!?!" I shouted in irritation "hhmm.. Your boyfriend...." he says "Huh? and when did you?" I asked only to be interrupted "Hey Y/n? Do you mind being my tutor? Ms. lee told me t- ohh.. Taehyung-shi, I'm sorry.." he immediately apologize as soon as he saw him "She wont." Taehyung strictly says "But Ms. le-" "I DONT CARE!! I AM THE OWNER OF THIS SCHOOL! WHAT EVER I SAY YOU ALL MUST LISTEN TO ME!!"  He angrily says when suddenly we heard a random clap from a group of guys "Oh, look!! Who's here? HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY GIRL!?!" The guy growled as he pulled me away from Taehyung "Mark tuan?... She's not yours.." Taehyung replied pulling me back, shit here we go again "She is.. now let go of her..."mark says as he pulled me again this continued maybe for a minute till I cant control myself anymore "LET GO!  YOU'RE HURTING ME!!" I shouted making them stop as they let go both of my wrists "How many times do I have to tell you both to stop fighting over me? I'm not property of anyone so stop bugging me and leave me alone.." I cried and run away though I herd my name being called a lot of times I didn't dare to look back...

"Fuck this life!! there's a lot of girl, why me?" I cried as my bestfriend comforts me "because its you, you're one of kind y/n, you're not just pretty you are a great daughter, friend student a very great person, a sweet, adorable girl.. I wont blame them liking you, You're a very charming girl, I'm sure not just them likes you here maybe a lot of guys also likes you too but was just shut because of the two mafia guy roaming around you.." She says patting my back gently "But I'm tired, They were fighting over me and its hurting me.." I sobbed "maybe if you, tries to pick, you won't get hurt anymore?" she suggested while I look at her confused "I Mean Taehyung isn't that bad right? he's probably one of the richest and powerful mafia here in Daegu but he's a sweet, funny, adorable, and  talented guy, I'm sure if he's  your boyfriend he will protect you with all of his might, he wont let anyone touch you.." She says "But he's always into fights.." I say as she sighed "Yes he is, but there must be a reason why he is?" She explained "But his a mafia.." I replied "I know that you had a bad past between a mafia but he wasn't like that mafia.. he is a good person y/n.." she says as it hit me "Tell me? Is there one of them that you're having a little crush or maybe getting your attention?" she asked as I raised an eyebrow at her "what do you mean?" I asked "I mean.... aish!! just answer it, you know what I mean.." she whined "Fine, I do!!" I says shyly as she gasp "Mark? or Taehyu-" "Taehyung" I cut her making her look at me in shock  "But you said you wont ever like him back?" She curiously asked "Yeah, for him to stop bugging me? but it didn't work.." I sighed soon we heard students shouting as we look at each other confused "What's happening?" She asked as I shook my head whispering I don't know, she pulled me outside "They're fighting again?" girl 1 "Why is he so competitive everyone knows he's fighting with the son of the owner of the school, I'm sure he'll be expelled soon.." girl 2, We heard conversation as we tried to look at the scene that the student was hovering over with only for me to saw 2 guys fighting with that a guy came up to me as i recognize him as Taehyung's friend "Y/n! you need to stop mark he's killing Taehyung.." Namjoon worriedly beg as I widened my eyes "That guy on the floor is taehyung?" I asked shocked as he nod making me to run over  the two fighting making them to stop right away "Y/n?" Taehyung mumbled as he saw me "SHIT!!" I screamed as I saw Taehyung bleeding making me to approach and check him up. "Y/n! why are you helping him?" Mark says pulling me away from Taehyung "Let go of me!!" I say as I slapped mark and going back to Taehyung "Namjoon!! please help me bring Taehyung to the hospital.." I say as Namjoon nod and helped taehyung to stand up "Y/n, I-" "sshh.. Lets talk later, arasseo?" I cut him as he nod "Now lets bring you to hospital.." I said as we enter Taehyung's car "Mr. lee please bring us at Jin hyungs hospital.." Namjoon says as the driver obeyed "What happened there?" I asked as Namjoon and Taehyung looked at me "I and Taehyung were waiting for you on your locker because Taehyung wanted to apologize about what happened earlier but suddenly mark and his gang came threating Taehyung about you, but Taehyung being him fought him.." Namjoon explained as I glared at Taehyung "Are you fucking kidding me!?! KIM TAEHYUNG!! YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF JUST BECAUSE OF ME? A GIRL!?!" I disappointedly asked as he held my hand calming me down "I-i'm sorry, I just wanted to protect you from that asshole.." He says making me shock 'Why?" I asked  "Everything I said, everything I'm doing for you I'm sincere, I truly like you.." he says "You're a wonderful, and the most beautiful girl I ever met, I can see my mom in you, PARK Y/N, I DO REALLY LOVE YOU!!" he continued "fuck you!! I do too, I do love you too.." I cried "Y-you wh-what??!"  he exclaimed in shock I kissed him making him even more shocked but still kissed back which was interrupted as the car stopped "Shit!! what happened?" taehyung asked "Mr. kim, tuan's gang are surrounding us.." the driver say as I widened my eyes as I saw someone knocks on the window where taehyung is sitting, "This already happened before.." I mumble as I felt Taehyungs hand wraps around my waist "Don't worry, they wont hurt you..."  he says as he cupped my cheeks "Hyung call Jimin tell him we need a back up.." Taehyung command as Namjoon obeyed but wait that name sound familiar, few minutes later the knock stop following a sound of gun making me scream "They're the one who killed my parents.. I remember everything now.." I says earning Taehyungs attention "They killed your pare-" Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence when he was pulled out the car by mark "TAEHYUNG!!" I shouted and saw mark hand Taehyung to a tall muscular guy and he then walks back to me "Y/n, run.." Namjoon says as he step in front of me protecting me, I slowly step back hesitating what to do "Don't Go Near Me!! Seriously Mark!! this is a warning! I SAID DONT!!" as I saw mark hit Namjoon who tried his best to fight but failed as mark bought some of his people with hum, I run away but was caught  "LET GO OF ME!! YOU KILLER!! I HATE TOU!!" I shouted as i tried to escape from his grip "Y/N!!" heard taehyung shout making me look at him "TAEHYUNG-AH!! TAE!! NO MARK PLEASE!!" I shouted as mark pushed me in a van I look at Taehyung and saw him trying to fight them with that the van I was in drove away the only thing I can do is look at him to the window crying..


As I watch him taking her away in tears, I heard cars and my bestfriend arrives making mark's gang enter there car and runs away "Tae are you alright?" I heard my bestfriend asked as he pat my back "Wait for me my love, I'm going to take you back.." I whispered wiping my tears and looked at my bestfriend "Jimin! I found her!! your sister.." I say as his eyes widened in shock..

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