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I Walk together with my friends to the canteen talking and laughing with them, when I felt someone looking at me "Hey, y/n look! prince Jungkook is looking at you.." Jenna, my best friend say nudging me from my side as I look at my left where he's sitting with his friends, he was looking at his phone. "Mygod stop saying nonsense he wasn't, and why would a hot guy like him, look at me.." I say as she rolled her eyes when I felt my phone vibrates making me to check it.

FROM: xxxxxxxxx

Maybe because you're gorgeous as fuck...

"What the, who is this?" I exclaimed as I got another text from the same number.

FROM: xxxxxxxxx

Opppss.. it's me Jungkook
sorry bout that baby girl.

"What the?" I exclaimed shocked making my best friend look at my phone "Woaah! how did he know your number?" she asked as I look at prince Jungkooks's side making our eyes meet

FROM: xxxxxxxx

I can get all the information I want, everyone knows that.
Now save my number, I don't want you asking who am I again when ever I text you

another text from him making me blush "Girl, you're blushing.." my best friend teased "you know I like him since the first day I saw him." I whispered to her as I got another text from prince jungkook

FROM: xxxxxxxx

Didn't Know you have a crush on me..

"What the fuck? how did he know what we're talking about?" I asked as my bestfriend rolled her eyes on me "He and his friends are vampires you know that and vampires has a very great hearing, sight, sense, they're very strong and they have their own skills from what I heard prince Jungkook is the most skilled from all of the vampires here in our country that's why he's the most famous of them all." jenna said with that our other friends called us and we went back to our room.

Time skips..

It was our last subject before dismissal when some of our classmates made fun of us "Look at this two nerdy, How came you entered our school knowing that only powerful like us can be here?" one of the guys says as my best friend jenna stood up to speak up for us but they slap her right trough her face making her hiss that made me angry  "Yes we were nothing compare to all of you but that doesn't mean you already have the right to disrespect us, you bastards!!" I shouted making one of them angry showing his fangs and pushed me making me stumbled "THAT'S ENOUGH!! MR. LEE TO THE GUIDANCE!!" our teacher says as he enters the room "MS. Y/N are you alright?" our teacher asks as I nod "yes sir." I answered "No, sir she's bleeding.." jenna said as my teacher look at my arm that's bleeding "Please bring her to the clinic.." Our teacher said as Jenna took me to the clinic

as the class dismiss, I heard one of the students talking about something "Did you see how much she bleeds?" "Y/N's blood smells sweet the smell is one of kind.." one of them says a friends of mine "They're talking about your mate?" Jin hyung says as I walk to them to ask "Yugyeom?" I called as my friend look at me "Jungkook have you heard what happened? Your mate was abused by Lee.." He said making me stormed to find lee and his pack "JUNGKOOK!!" I heard Namjoon hyung calling but I ignored not even looking back.
after minutes of looking I found lee and his pack near the garden of the school I stormed to him and punched him straight through his face making him and his pack fights me back with that my pack came helping me catching everyone's attention but before the fight becomes wild the girl that y/n is with this lunch came and stopped us "STOP!! IF YOU STILL WANT HER TO LIVE!" The girl said making us stop and look at her "Jin sunbae the clinic nurse needs you to help her the blood isn't stopping and she's losing too much blood.." she said made me worried and nervous "Hyung, GO.." I commands knowing that only Jin hyung can help her since Jin hyungs power is healing "Stop fighting Jungkook it'll be easier for her to heal if you're beside her.." Jin hyung says as I nod knowing that he has a point a person will be healed easier if only she or he is beside his or her mate "I look back to Lee and his pack and warned them "don't dare Touch her again or I wouldn't think of killing you and your pack.." I say fangs showing as I followed Jin hyung

I entered the clinic door slams as I saw her lying while Jin hyung, trying to cure her bleeding arm "I walk beside her and held her hand as the healing fasten "She still needs blood.." Jin hyung say as I look at namjoon hyung "Hyung, please call for help." I says as he nod and dialed a number on his phone

Time skipss..

We are now in the hospital just waiting for her to wake up, My friends goes out to buy a food and her best friend sleeping at the sofa while I'm right beside her holding her hand humming a song while brushing my thumb on her hand when I heard her voice "Prince Jungkook?" She says as I smiled at her "Yes, I'm here." I replied as she tried to stood up "No Stay there.." I say as she shrugged "No! I need to go home my mom must be worried now.." she panics as I calmed her down "I already talked to your parents, I told them you'll be staying with me starting today.." I said as her eyes widen "What do you mean?" she asked "You sure know about Vampires and their mates right?" I asked as she nod "What if I tell you that your my mate?" I say "Mate? But mate are destined to be vampires wife." she says as I nod "Exactly why we're meant to meet each other.." I says looking deeply to her eyes "Prince Jungkook are you sure I'm your mate?" she asked as I smiled "Stop calling me like that, Starting know you're a princess and I'm your prince and yes I'm sure because there's only two signs for me to know that you are really my mate first is only our mate can meet our eyes second is that when you healed fast when I'm beside you.." I say as she smiled "Woah! this sounds like a romantic movie, a kind of love story" she says making me chuckle "It is, our love story." I say with that I heard my friends cringe "Ahh.. I didn't know you can be that sweet Jungkook-ah." Yoongi hyung says as I rolled my eyes at them "OMG! friend do you know that prince Jungkook almost killed Lee and his pack?" Jenna, y/n's  bestfriend says as she went beside her "He, what?" she asked shock, looking at me "I'm sorry, I couldn't control my anger when I heard what he did to you." I say as she chuckle "It's fine oppa, you should kill him if I were you." she says making me laugh when she called me oppa "If I only know you'll like me to kill him I already did.." I say as we all laughed and I brush my fingers through her hair "I can hear your mind Jungkook.." Jhope hyung says "Then leave us alone.." I say as I heard them sigh following a door opening and close "Where are they going?" y/n asked "They will just give us a little time alone." I say as she smiled and we stared at each other "Can I?" I asked as she nod with that I captured her lips that made me smile savoring her lips to mine making my head roll in pleasure. 

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