ocho • peppermint and mangos

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"Look at his pictures Alesha. This man is a model." I heard Alex say from the back seat.

Yeah that's annoying as shit. Her and Alesha been talking about this Antonio dude ever since Saturday. Now it's Monday, and shit just can't get any worse.

Antonio this, Antonio that. They just acting as if Antonio is a saint. Like this kid is god or someyhing.

"Lemme see," Tay said grabbing the phone from Alex,"He cute or what ever. No gay shit. What this nigga put in his hair? Coconut oil or something?"

"No, I think it's something like Shea Moisturizer." Jess added.

"Nah it's gotta be castor oil." Alesha continued.

"Ou, no he smelled like peppermint and mango. Which is a weird combination but smells amazing together." Alex fantasized.

"Then it's gotta be Carol's Daug-"

I then cut off Jess and said, "What a nice fucking day y'all. Eighty degrees no chance of rain. Just wonderful."

"Yeah, none of that." Alesha said causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.

The car came to an abrupt stop and all our backs hit against our car seats.

"Jay, you on a mission to kill us." Jess said after taking a deep breath.

"Nah I'm on a mission so y'all can shut the hell up. Always arguing in my damn car like y'all paying for the gas." Jay said.

"Jay had a better attitude when Alesha was sucking his wee wee," Tay said causally. Jess and I bursted our laughing like maniacs knowing that was completely true. Alesha didn't speak at all for the first time.

"Wait Alesha, Not a word? What about your famous catch phrase," I then paused trying to contain my laughter long enough to say, "None of that." 
Tay, Jess and I all started laughing little louder.
Alex then joined in with us as well after trying her best to hold it in.

"Y'all can get outta my car now." Jay says as he stops in front of my house.

"What about us? No ride home my guy?" Jess said confusingly.

"I mean y'all just live up the block," Jay replied. Alesha was in the backseat glaring at Tay looking like she was gonna choke him any moment.

"You see I'm just gonna walk home. It's right around the corner anyway." Tay said grabbing his backpack.

"Alesha please do us all a favor and suck his dick again. We would appreciate it." Jess said following Tay in the same direction.

"You see, this is my house. Alex would you like to come inside and let these two talk about their sexual fantasies." I said turning my head to face Alex. She awkwardly nodded and opened the car door as well.

"I never knew they were a thing." Alex said walking beside me towards my house door.

"Since like sixth grade. He stood up for her when kids would make fun of her weight. Then by sophomore year she started to get thick in all the right places, they always had some type of connection. I don't know I think she's Jay's first love. I blank out when he talks about that shit."

"Aww," Alex said holding her hand to her heart and walking into my house. My dog ran in jumping up with his tongue sticking out.

"You didn't tell me you had a dog." Alex said as she squat down and started petting him.

"I'm not one of those dog owners that talk about there dog twenty-four seven. I mean I got my life too." I said jokingly. She didn't pay attention to me she just sat on the floor playing with the dog.

"What's your name baby? Hm? You are so cute." She cooed picking up my dog and look at his tag.

"You names your dog Pablo?" She asked looking up at me from the ground.

"I was fifteen, that shit sounded cold as fuck in my head. Still does." I shrugged.

"Okay well now that that's out of the way. Why did they stop messing around with each other." She said referring to Jay and Alesha.

"Something about her just wanting to stay friends and not break up the group. Makes no sense we've been just fine and them fight wasn't gonna change it."

"And no one wanted to mention it to me?" She questioned.

"We thought you already knew," I said walking over to the couch in the living room and plopping down on it.

"You got any siblings?" She asked looking around the house before sitting next to me with Pablo in her lap.

"No I'm the only child. It's just me and my Tia in here." I told her while flipping through channels.

"Just your aunt what about your-"

"My mom I've never met, she kind of disappeared when I was young. I don't remember her much. Then my dad he couldn't take care of me at all, something about him not being about to raise a child on his own, I don't know. But my auntie and I are tight, she's like one of my best friends." I said to her causally, she turned her head looking over at me with sympathetic eyes. I usually show no sign of emotion when it comes to talking about my parents.

"I-I'm so sorry for bringing it up. I just get so nosey at times." She said trying to make me feel better.

"No it's good. I'm good, it just gets lonely at times. But I mean everyone gets lonely once in a while. That's why I got Pablo here, this guy keeps me busy." I told her trying to lighten the mood.

"I like your point of view on life. You seem like you could be happy forever without a care in the world."


Word count: 972

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