trece • spend the night

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Narrator's POV

When Nick and Alex arrived to the hospital, Nick's aunt was already there to greet and check Nick in. He had been holding the side of his stomach where his ribcage was placed.

"You're a pretty tough kid. You fractured two of your ribs and have some serious scaring. Most people would've been crying out in agony  right now." The doctor told Nick while he sat on the bed and Alex and Tia were sitting there in the room with him.

"He has always been tough." Tia said nodding her head in reassurance.

"Good, I'll just have to write you a prescription and you are on your way." The doctor said as she wrote on her clip board then handed it to tia, "Make sure he gets a lot of rest, no physical activities."

"So no sex?" Nick joked.

"I wouldn't recommend it for a good three weeks. Hopefully you and your girlfriend can hold it off long enough." The doctor laughed as he walked away.

"Wait no I'm not his—," Alex tried to say before the doctor shut the door behind him, "What's wrong with you?" Alex said looking at Nick.

"I'm just playing." Nick said struggling to get up from the hospital bed.

"Let me help you." Alex said standing up and holding  Nick's hand.


I'm not trying to be selfish but me getting hurt is great. Alex hasn't left my side since and I'm going to convince her to stay the rest of the night. I mean how is she gonna get home with no car at 3am and no key.

Alex helped me to the car with one of my hands around her neck and her holding my waist. You could say I'm kind of using this to my extent because honestly I don't need help walking. I mean it hurts but she doesn't really need to do that.

Tia can tell, she knows when I'm up to something. She glanced at me and lightly chuckled as we got in the car.

Just to add special affect I slightly hissed when I put on my seat belt.

"Are you okay?" She said from beside me laying her hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm good." I stuttered as she rubbed my thigh.

And this bitch, had the utter most audacity. TO SMILE AT ME. Like it was normal. I'm far past flabbergasted.

"Alex, do you want me to drive you home?" Tia asked from the front seat.

SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE. Why ask? Why bring it up?

"I left my key in Jay's car. I'm pretty sure no ones awake right now. Frankly I'm not up for my mom and aunt to yell at me for coming home late."

"So sleepover?" I asked.

"Or I could go to Alesha's house and climb through the window." She shrugged.

"No, you can sleep at our house. We don't have a guest room but our couch is really comfy," Tia said glancing back at her, "and I have work tomorrow morning. Nick might need some help. I was gonna call Tay to come check on him but-"

"Can you please say yes. Tay is gonna leave me starving and he's probably gonna get me high. Oxy and weed don't mix." I said interrupting tia.

"You had me at comfortable couch." She said

"Good because we drove past your house." Tia responded. I've never appreciated my aunt more. She probably is already obsessed with Alex and surprise because I don't bring girls around her. The last girl I talked to she had to jump out my window because Tia was home.

Not gonna lie, her head game was like extravagant.

"We're here," Tia said pulling into the driveway.

I looked over at giving her a pouty face.

"Help me please," I said sticking out my bottom lip.

"Of course." She responded with a smile.

Who knew me beating his ass would get me here. I should've did it sooner.

Y'all 🤧. I am soooo sorry this took so long. I been focusing on drivers ed and hustling with my lil baby sitting business I got going on 😫. Buuut here you gooooo.

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