ChapterSeven: The Chase

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The Chase has been arranged two times before today. The rules are quite simple. The prey has to die, be chased and killed in front of the audience. The rogue who will kill the prey will be set free as a reward for killing the threat to the Kingdom.

In the first Chase, the prey was a man who tried to kill the Queen.

In the second Chase, the prey was one of the most known murderers known till this day.

In the third Chase, the prey will be a human girl.

The first man who ever had to die in the Chase survived five minutes before one of the rogues caught him. The second prey's Chase lasted fifteen minutes before he slipped and hit his head to a rock. Of course, the smell of blood attracted the rogues and a few seconds later there were ten different rogues fighting to get a piece of him to eat.

"Did you hear about the prey?" A little boy who was no older than ten summers asks.

"Oh, my son. Didn't you hear?" His mother whispered something so quiet after saying that, that the boy didn't hear what she said.

"I didn't hear you, Mother."

"It is a human." The boy was shocked.

"But Mother, humans are weak. I actually thought that humans are extinct."

"They almost did. When our former King was ruling the throne he arranged persecutions to humans. He truly hated them and passed that hate to his son."

"Oh." The boy said. He had heard some things about humans in school, but he never had heard about the persecutions. That is when he spotted his friend.

"Mother, can I go play with Lars?"

"If you promise that you don't eat, crawl or throw mud towards other people."

"I PROMISE!" Quickly after saying that he ran towards his best friend since born. Their fathers have always been good friends too.

Martha watched as her son ran away from her. 'They grow way too fast' she thought. Maybe she should have asked some witch to make a potion which will stop children from growing after reaching the age of five.

She had heard some rumors that the prey has been living in one of the castles cells for a few weeks. But if she has been alive for so long there must be something special on her. Like she said to her son the former King passed all of his hatred feelings for humans to his son. The former King was cruel and heartless but his son is something no one could have ever imagined. The King takes a good care of his Kingdom's citizens and protects them. She could have never prayed for a better King because every other creature in this world is too scared to attack into his Kingdom.

There are even rumors that soon the King will declare a war if he doesn't get more country.

"Oh, Martha!" The mother of one turned around and saw one of her closest friends.


"Did you hear about the Chase?"

"Of course I did. I was actually walking towards the forest where it is held."

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