Chapter 3

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Nicole's P.O.V.

I sat in the conference room next to Olli being bombarded with questions. For someone who has severe anxiety being the center of attention with people, microphones, and cameras everywhere it doesn't take much for me to completely freak out.

"Nicole is it weird being the only female playing in the NHL?"

"Is it hard for you to become friends when you're fighting for the same position?"

"Ms. St. Claire do you feel comfortable in the locker room?"

"Nicole is it possible that you'll play for the Canadian women's team in Sochi?"

"Do either of you see being together in the future?"

"Nicole is there any meaning behind your number or did you jut get stuck with the number 24?"

"Do you think this team is ready to win The Cup this season?"

All these questions were coming at me like a freight train, I could feel my heart pounding as if I were in a game. My breathing became uneven and sweat started to drip down my forehead. I had to get it out of here...

"Excuse me."

I got out of my seat and ran to the bathroom, it was the quietest room I could find before I started hyperventilating. I freaked out for maybe a minute until I was able to regain my thoughts and started to take deep breathes.

Olli's P.O.V.

Nicole got up and ran out of the room, we all sat there kinda in shock.

"I'm going to go see if she's ok." I said mostly just so I could get out of the awkward moment.

I got up and started walking around the players area and the locker room until I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. I quietly knocked on the door until Nicole said I could come in. I found her slumped against a wall with her head in her hands breathing heavily. The sight broke my heart. So I slumped down next to her and we sat there for I don't know how long.

"You wanna tell me what happened in there?" I asked.

"I... I have anxiety and all those questions just freaked me out, I'm not used to being the center of attention so this whole 'the only girl' thing is really freaking me out. I don't tell people because when I do they either treat me like I'm crazy or they just don't talk to me anymore. I'm really sorry if I made it awkward in there, or if I embarrassed you." her telling me this really made me fall harder for her. It's like I wanna be with her and make everything all ok.

"I'm sorry. And you didn't make things awkward, if anything you got me out the situation so I'm thankful for that." I said trying to lighten the mood. She looked over at me and smiled. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. "You wanna go back out there and then maybe go grab some lunch?" I asked after a couple minutes.


Nicole's P.O.V.

We stood up and made our way out of the bathroom and back to the conference room. I walked in with my head held high and before anybody could say anything I walked to a microphone and basically just spoke the truth.

"Look I'm from a small town in Quebec, I'm not used to this whole media and being the center of attention stuff. But if you guys are still gonna throw all these questions about me feeling comfortable and if I'm worried about the locker room just know that I came here to work. I didn't get here because I'm cute I got here because I can play hockey and kick ass at it." I paused and looked around, "just know that even if I'm the only girl I don't want to be treated any different, I just wanna be defenseman for the Pittsburgh Penguins, so while I'm doing that you can go and find another person to be your damn cover story."

And with that I walked out of the room and went to lunch with Olli.

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