Chapter 11

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Olli's P.O.V.

Nicole and I laid together, our limbs tangled together in a mess with sheets and sweat. We had just had sex. She was so beautiful and sexy and almost perfect. Even though I wanted to lay there with her forever the turning in my stomach had me running for the bathroom. I slipped on my boxers so I wasn't stark naked and I made it just in time and emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I threw up again before I slumped against the wall and started to slightly doze off. I was almost asleep when I felt Nicole slump down next to me, and she started rubbing the back of my neck soothingly.

"I'm sorry." She mumble.

"It's not your fault. I'd been feeling of for a couple days anyway." I replied placing my hand on her knee and squeezing lightly.

"Really? I thought it was the food last night." She said.

"No. I'll blame Jayson, he can't cook for shit." I said with a small smile.

"That sounds like a plan." She said with a chuckle, "At least we don't have a game tomorrow."

"Ya. I should get going. Jay's gonna get the wrong idea if I stay the night." I said trying to get up which made me extremely lightheaded.

"No. Just stay here. I'll... I'll take care of you." She said, "Besides you have a pretty valid excuse for not coming home, I mean you threw your guts up."

"Ya, true. I hope I'm better for the Florida trip."

"You probably will be. It's more than likely food poisoning." She whispered, "You wanna move to the bed, I'll sleep on the couch if you want."

"Ya can I move to the bed. The floor is hella uncomfortable. And no, I don't want you to sleep on the couch." I replied, "What should I tell Jay when I get home." I asked as we sat on the bed.

"Tell him what happened. We had dinner, and fell asleep."

"Just don't tell him about the sex." I said with a chuckle.

"Ya. Just don't tell him about the sex." She mimicked me.

Around 8:00am I woke up again and felt a little better but I was still burning up and had a headache. I went to get some Gatorade from her fridge and I let her sleep for another hour or so. She walked out of the bed room in a sports bra and sweatpants, I swear she lives in those pants. And slumped down on to the couch next to me after getting a cup of coffee.

"I take it you don't feel like going to that dinner with Jay huh." She said while we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

"Ya. You just wanna stay here?" I said pulling her closer.


All day we kinda lounged around her apartment, she went for a run in the afternoon and I spent most of the day in the bathroom, feeling like I was going to throw up again even though I never did. When Nic got back from her run we ordered pizza and we ate it watching some football game I couldn't care less about, I was to busy picking at my pizza and watching Nicole who yelled at the TV.

"Why do you like this so much?" I gestured towards the TV.

"My dad played in the NFL. He was born in Colorado and grew up playing and then was drafted by the Steelers. That's why I'm such a big Pens fan is because I've always loved this city. He didn't play that long, he had a career ending injury after his second season." She responded.

"I thought you were Canadian?" I asked.

"I am. I was born and raised in Quebec. He moved there for a new job as a gym teacher and met my mom and had me."

"Oh that's cool." I nodded.

"Ya. I've never been to a NFL game though. I'm determined to go to one sometime this year though." She said.

"Why didn't you play football then?" I asked.

"It's not that popular in Canada, there are no women's leagues, and all the team I tried out for wanted me to be a kicker and I like playing physical." She responded.

"Oh. Well I'm happy you play hockey." I added.


"If you didn't then I would have never met you." I said leaning over trying to kiss her.

"Ew! No don't kiss me pukey! But what you said was very sweet." She said punshing me away.

"Do your parents know about your ex boyfriend?" I asked.

"Ya. They tried to charge him but the bruises could have happened because of hockey so the charges didn't stick." She said picking at her pizza.

"Oh. Do you think you'll ever meet him again?" I probably wasn't making this any better but I was curious.

"I hope so. I want to rub my success in his face and then hopefully kick him in the nuts." She finally smiled.

"Nice." I laughed.

"I usually don't want to talk about it but if I ever do can I talk to you?" She asked.

"Absolutely, love." I pulled her closer to me.

After a couple minutes she sat up and grabbed our dishes putting them in the sink and then went back into her room. She came out wearing the hoodie I let her have the night we first kissed.

"Let's go. We'll go get some fro yo, the I'll drop you off at your apartment building." She said grabbing her keys.

"No. I can drive, I feel a lot better." I said taking the keys from her hand and putting them down.

"You sure?" She looked skeptical.

"I'm positive. I'll see you tomorrow at the airport. Then it's off to Tampa." I said grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

"I love you." I spoke.

"I love you too Olli." She said back.

And with that I drove home and fell into a deep sleep before Jay got back, with the last picture in my mind being Nicole.

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