Chapter 12

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Nicole's P.O.V.

We arrived in Florida and the weather was amazing. I had never been to Florida before and it was way prettier in real life. Our first game against the Lighting was a great 3-0 win. And of course since the weather was nice in late November the guys wanted to go hit the pool at the hotel. For some reason I was always self conscious, and I had no reason to be like I had an athletes body, and abs. But I always kept my shirt on in the locker room.

"Hey Nicole, you wanna head down to the pool with us?" Robert asked as we passed in the hall.

"Umm. Ya I'll go throw on my bikini. I'll head down there." I replied.


I quickly put on my strapless black fringy bikini top, black bottoms, and then of course I threw on one of my high school shirts as a cover up, and my flip flops.

I headed towards the elevator and was greeted with swim trunk clad Taylor Pyatt and Robert Bortuzzo.

We made our way down to the pool and a bunch of other guys met us there including Olli. Considering he had seen me naked I wasn't really that self conscious around him. I slipped of my shoes and took off my shirt and tossed it onto one of the chairs and I could practically feel the eyes of the guys starting at me.

"Damn. St. Claire. You have boobs?" I heard.

"Fuck off James!" I rolled my eyes.

All the guys started to laugh and I thought 'what the hell' and started to tease the guys a little more, so I sauntered over to the steps making my hips sway more than usual and made my way into the water.

All of a sudden there was a free for all and every body started throwing each other in the water. I got picked up by James Neal and Paul Martin then got thrown into the middle of the splashing mess.

"Fuck you guys!" I yelled wiping the hair our of my face.

"You would!" James replied smugly.

"Ya, in your dreams, Neal!"

After what seemed like forever, some guys finally started to trickle away and I made my way to the hot tub, hoping it would relieve my sore muscles. I sat in the bubbling water for a good five minutes before my favorite baby Fin decided to join me.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hey," he said sinking into the hot liquid with me, "you look really good tonight."

"Thanks." I blushed.

We continued to talk before our captain walked up and stood in front of us.

"Are you two..." He pointed his finger at us.

"What? Us? No, not in the way you're implying." I said maybe to quickly.

"Oh please! You two are so mwah mwah mwah!" He said making kissing noises.

"Oh save it for your pillow, Crosby!" I scowled at him as he walked off laughing.

"That was awesome!" Olli said in the breathes between laughing.

"I try my best!" I said with a smirk.

We sat there for a minute just enjoying each other's company. Holding hands under the water.

"I really wanna kiss you right now." He smiled, after making sure the coast was clear.

"Well... We are sharing a hotel room." I said while my fingers danced over his swim trucks.

He let out a breath of frustration before whispering in my ear, "I'll head up first and then you can follow, and then we'll have sex."

"I like your forwardness, but as you know I'm unabashed about noise and the hotel walls are thin. I'd rather not get caught." I replied.

"Oh. Ok. But still I wanna do something. I've wanted to kiss you since to took of your shirt."

"Well... The sooner you leave the sooner we can be together." I said gently pushing him.

"Ok. I'm going, I'll see you soon." He said getting up, out of the water.

"See you soon."


"What was that about not wanting to get caught?" Olli laughed, as we laid on my bed, naked, tangled together and catching our breathes.

"Oh zip it!" I said swatting at his chest, "I had to bite my tongue so hard for you."

"Well, I hope it was worth it." He said.

"Ya. You're getting better. You lasted longer this time, and I finished too." I smiled at him.

"God, I love you." He said, kinda randomly.

"I love you too." I said resting my head on his out stretched bicep, and I fell asleep.

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