Chapter 15

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Olli's P.O.V.

I was standing at Nicole's buffet, taking a spoonful of green bean casserole when her sister, Morgan, walked up next to me. I was surprised, besides their hair color they were polar opposites. Nicole I'm not gonna lie, dressed like a dude sometimes and Morgan was wearing a short pink dress, and hooker heels. Plus she was short, had a round face and chubby cheeks, brown eyes, and from what Nic told me she was extremely smart, like she's a 24 year old brain surgeon smart.

"You know I'm surprised." She told me.

"Why are you surprised?" I asked.

"That Nicole could get a cutie like you." She said placing a delicate hand on my shoulder.

"Well, thank you but we are not together. Not in the way you're implying."

"Well...since you guys aren't together..." She placed a hand on my belt buckle and slightly pulled down.

"Umm..." I was hoping for somebody to came and save me.

"Morgan, stop hitting on him!" Nicole said walking over to us, "besides didn't you say James was pretty yesterday."

"Well... Ya... But... I..." She lowered her head and walked away quickly.

Nicole looked at me and bit her lip, like she was trying to hold in a laugh. She smiled and walked back to the table and sat down on the floor where her and I offered to sit.

"So Olli, how's it been playing in the NHL?" Her dad asked giving me a look that made me want to curl up in a ball and die.

"It's been great. Hard work, but it's all worth it." I replied, "but hasn't Nicole told you about it?"

"Yes. But you're not as much in the social eye as her. I wanted your take on things." He said.

"Well dad, I think he's great!" Morgan piped up, giving me a wink.

"Thank you." I answered awkwardly.

"Nic, I like your apartment." Her mom said, "but it's so empty, there's like 7 pieces of furniture in here, and it's quiet small."

"Well mother, I don't spend a ton of time here and I live alone. I don't need anything extravagant." Nicole smiled sweetly even though she said it through gritted teeth.

So basically what I picked up on so far was Nic and her dad were really close, and he didn't like me. Morgan was a mommy's girl, and Nic and her mom didn't like each other and Morgan was trying to get in my pants. Cool.

"Nicole, did you see the Steelers game a couple days ago?" Her dad asked. Oh god we were gonna start talking about football. I'm screwed.

"Ya. I actually went to it." She smiled. God I love her smile.

"Really? Against the Ravens? Who'd you go with?" Her dad questioned.

"Ya. Evegni asked me if I wanted to go with him. It was awesome!" She said, her eyes shimmering like they do when she talks about something she loves, "but ugh! Ravens fans are so annoying I wanted to punch them all out." This caused her dad to chuckle a bit.

"Speaking of punches, Nicole, I watched one if your games and you got into a fight." Her mom said in disgust.

"Well, ya. I'm an enforcer. And once you realize you can take a punch it's not that bad." She said, "you only watched one?" She asked sadly.

"Well, I've been busy with work and Morgan has been busy too, I have no time." She answered which made Nicole looked more sad.

"You can't even take 2 hours out of your week to watch one game?" She asked rhetorically.

"So Nicole guess what?" Morgan asked clearing the awkward silence.

"What?" She asked bitterly.

"I have a love connection." God I swear this girl is so confusing. Does she like me, does she think James is pretty or have a boyfriend? Is she a hooker or a doctor? I can't tell.

"Really? What's his name? What does he do?" I asked trying to sound interested.

"Well, his name is Chad. And he's a gynecologist." She said looking me up and down.

"What's that?" I asked innocently, not knowing what it was.

It was awkward silence and I was kicking myself for saying something potentially stupid.

"It's a vagina doctor, Olli." Nicole replied bluntly.

"Oh. That's intresting." God Olli you're sounding like a moron.

We continued eating and conversing until we all ended up sitting on the couch watching a football game. I used all the knowledge I knew and I think her dad was finally warming up to me. Nicole got up and started doing dishes, shortly there after the girls started helping her, leaving me alone with her dad.

"Olli, I like you. You seem fairly harmless." He smiled at me.

"Thank you sir."

"Call me Ty."

"Well Ty, I just wanted you to know that me and your daughter are very good friends." I told him.

"Yes, I picked up on that. You know about her past right? Her anxiety and last boyfriend?" He asked me.

"Yes. She's told me about that."

"Well since I am living over 1,000 kilometers away, I'm trusting you to help her. She is very independent and strong, but if she needs to, will you let her cry and not be judgmental?" He was very serious but somehow still friendly.

"Yes. Absolutely." I said looking him in the eye.

"Good." He said quickly before the ladies walked in and I went to give Nicole a look of hope, when I saw she was welling up with tears.

We sat and talked for a little while longer before they decided to leave. We said our goodbyes and Nicole hugged only her dad and then they parted ways.

And when they left she turned around and wrapped her arms around me and started crying into my shoulder. We stood there for several minutes, me trying to calm her down my rubbing her back and telling her good things like 'I love you' and 'sen kunnossa, sen ok' (it's alright, it's ok in Finnish) until she stopped crying and looked into my eyes her mascara smudged and running down her cheeks. I reached my hand up and wiped away one last tear before she spoke.

"My mom is such a bitch!" She said holding back another sob.

"I could tell. Here let's go lay down." I said leading her to her room and plopping down on her bed.

"I wish she just realized that this is what I do and that she's not gonna change that. She loves Morgan so much! I was second and I'm fairly certain my mom thinks I'm a mistake." She sobbed into my chest. God seeing her cry almost made me cry.

"But my dad and I. He raised me to not take shit from anybody and I went to sporting things with him and I mean I'm 6'3", I lead the team in penalty minutes, and I have a tattoo sleeve and piercings but I'm still his little girl." She smiled.

"Well, I don't know if my opinion matters but, you are not a mistake. And I don't ever want to here you say that again. You are also so beautiful, and your tattoos and piercings make you extra sexy." I smiled down at her, "Also if this makes you feel any better your dad said he likes me. And he said I have to take care of you for him." I told her.

"Thank you. And I'm happy my dad likes you. I could care less about what my mom thinks and I'm sorry about Morgan. She's kinda a whore." She laughed a little.

"I should get going." I said even though I really didn't wanna leave.

"Can you stay please?" She asked sitting up.

"Sure. But I don't have any clothes."

"I think you left some clothes here last time you were over." She told me.


We both got up and got ready for bed, even though she looked really attractive in one of my shirts and underwear I knew we weren't going to do anything.

"Goodnight Olli." She whispered.

"Goodnight Nicole."

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