Chapter 8

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Olli's P.O.V.

This girl sitting in the passenger seat of my car was without a doubt the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, let alone met. As much as I wanted to care for her and be a good boyfriend, there were so many things I would do to her. I mean come on she had an athletes body and I was a teenage boy, of corse I wanted to see her naked. But I didn't know what she would think of me when I told her I was a virgin. Like, I've done stuff before and by stuff I mean making out with my girlfriend of 6 months in high school. That was about the extent of that.

We arrived at the restaurant and I told her to sit still while I ran around to get her door like I thought a good guy should do. We walked inside and I gave them my name that the reservation was under. The host brought us to a table in the back were nobody would see us, cause that's the last thing we needed was for not just the whole city but the whole NHL to find out we were dating.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving?" I asked.

"Dude. I'm Canadian. It's just another Thursday for me." She giggled. Damn she was cute when she giggled.

"Oh ya duh. Sorry." I said, "Jay invited me to dinner with his parents and brother. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you came along."

"That sounds like fun. I'll tag along. Just ask Jay about it, I don't want to intrude."

"Ok. I will, I'm sure he won't mind." I said just as the waiter came with our food.

We sat there and ate our food, we both had the steak and potatoes, but Nicole had a spicy sauce on hers. We conversed and I realized she had some sauce on her chin.

"You have some sauce on your chin, sweetheart." Whoa sweetheart, where the hell did that come from.

"Oh putain!" She said grabbing her napkin.

"What?" I asked.

"I just said 'oh fuck' in French." She said wiping it off her chin, "Sorry." (AN: I don't speak French, so blame Google translate if it's wrong.)

"It's ok. I get it. I swear in Finnish a lot." I said laughing a little.

"Did you call me sweetheart when you told me I had something on my chin?" She asked after a minute in silence.

"Ya. Sorry I don't know where that came from." I could feel the warmth rising in my cheeks.

"No it's ok, I kinda like it. No guy has ever called me that before." She said looking sad all of a sudden.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Ya. I'm fine."

"No. You're not fine." I said reaching over grabbing her hand, "Seriously what's wrong?"

"I was just thinking about the past, but then I realized I'm here with you. And that made it better." She said smiling.

"How about we get going. We leave for St. Louis tomorrow morning." I said grabbing the check before she could get to it. Knowing the kind of girl she was she'd want to split the bill, which I couldn't allow her to do.

Nicole's P.O.V.

After we got to my building he walked me up to my apartment after we went to dinner together, and he lingered for a bit. I could tell he wanted to kiss me, so I decided to help him out a bit. I leaned closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. When he still didn't go for it, I pulled on his neck a little, just to give him a hint. He swallowed nervously and he slowly leaned forward. He placed his hands carefully on the small of my back and gently pulled me closer so I was flush with his body. I smiled when his soft lips finally touched mine, when Olli pulled back, I closed the space between us with another kiss. And another, until our tongues were entwined and Olli slowly pushed me against the wall. My hands were roaming all over his muscular arms, neck and hair, while Olli's hands slowly moved up from my lower back.

I blindly started reaching for the door knob and trying to open it. He pulled away from me, and I slumped against the wall.

"I should probably go," he said with a slight smile, though he looked terrified. I looked at his expression and smiled.

"What? Are you scared?" I teased him and he blushed.

"No, it's late, and we have a plane to catch early tomorrow morning," he said, though I could tell he really didn't want to stop.

He placed a quick kiss on my cheek and wished me a goodnight. When I walked into my apartment I slipped of my shoes and threw my bag on the bench by the door. I walked into my bed room and fell back on my bed with an 'umph' and thought to myself, I am so in love with that boy.

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