Chapter 22

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Olli's P.O.V.

March flew by so quickly it was crazy. We had our first road trip in April our first stop being Winnipeg. We won that one fairly easily, but I got hurt. I was going into the boards on a play and one of their guys came and checked me. It was a clean check don't get me wrong but I hurt my shoulder.

We arrived in Minnesota and I got my shoulder checked out. The doctors said I should sit out and probably ice it. I did that, and we bombed. We lost 4-0 and it was painful just to watch, and I know Nic was pissed about it.

Our next stop was Colorado and I didn't play in that game either, neither did Geno, Sid, Brooks, Kuni, Kris, and Duper. (AN: I actually went to this game and I was pissed that these guys didn't play!)

My next game back was against Detroit and it was amazing. Tanger came back and had a great game. Also we won and Flower made, in my opinion, the best save of the year in the shootout.

But our game against the Flyers was anything but perfect. Not only did we lose but Nic got hurt, she got a concussion. How it happened was simple, she went into the corner and was looking to clear it when Hartnell came in and hit her in the numbers. Causing her head to snap back and giving her a mild concussion.

We came in for the second intermission and I could here her moaning and groaning all the way from the medics room. And it wasn't the sexy kind of moaning I had heard before the game.

I wanted the medics to check on my shoulder so I made my way into the room and saw Nic laying on the table in her undershorts and sports bra.

"Ok which part of your head hurts?" He asked looking into her eyes with the little light thingy.

"The part above my shoulders!" She groaned.

I had to chuckle at her smart ass comments as I put an ice pack on my shoulder and made my way back to the locker room, to hear coach yell at us.

After the game I decided to head over to her apartment, considering she needed to stay up for 24 hours after it happened so she didn't slip into coma I was hoping a movie marathon and cuddling would keep her up.

"Hey stranger." I said as she opened the door.

"Hi." She said blankly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm gonna be out for the last game of the year and probably the first 2 or 3 games of the playoffs." She growled.

"I'm sorry." I said, and placed and hand on her shoulder but she shrugged me off.

I decided to just ignore it and and try and help her.

"I haven't missed a game all season! Now I'm gonna be out for some of the biggest games!" She said as she made her way to her kitchen to take some Tylenol.

I saw her dump some pills into her hand and swallowed them dry.

"Should you take that many?" I said walking over I her.

"I'm fine." She turned to get something out of her fridge.

"Do you need anything?" I asked.

"No." She said bitterly, "actually can you just leave me alone. I wanna be by myself."

"Nic, I understand that you're upset but please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you... I'm just sick of you." She spat.

"Why?" I was starting to get frustrated.

"You are always around me. I just want my space." She was starting to yell.

"I'm not gonna leave you, I don't want you to fall asleep and slip into coma."

"Olli you don't need to fix everything!" She yelled at me, "I'm an adult I can take care of myself!"

"Fine! I'll leave. But I'm not coming back until you apologize for acting so fucking childish!" I yelled stomping out the door and slamming it behind me.

I drove home and was steaming by the time I walked through the door. I slammed the door to my bedroom and sank down on my bed.

Jayson knocked on my door soon after that, "What?" I yelled loud enough for him to hear.

"What's wrong with you sunshine?" He said standing in my doorway.

"Nic's pissed at me." I rolled my eyes thinking of her, "just because I wanna take care of her."

"Well, you do spend a lot of time with her. I can see where she'd get mad at you." He said, "maybe she's loopy from the pain meds or maybe it's that time of the month."

"I spend time with her because she makes me happy and it's not that time of the month."

"Isn't real love making the other person happy too. And maybe she just wants sometime away from you. And how could you possibly know her period schedule? She's not that open." He laughed slightly.

"We had sex before the game tonight." I smirked at him.

"Nice." He laughed, "Goodnight Olli."

"Night Jay."

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