Chapter 7

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Nicole's P.O.V.

My head slowly rose and fell as it rested on Olli's chest.

'What the hell happened last night?' I thought as I listened to the sound of his breathing. I glanced at the time on my phone; still five minutes before we had to get up. I'd been awake for at least an hour, but couldn't fall back asleep no matter how hard I tried. So I got up and brushed my teeth and hair, tried to look a little nicer, and then went back to bed. I'd had more than enough time to analyze what had gone down the previous night. We had kissed during Catching Fire. We didn't have sex, no we just fell asleep last night, together.

"Nicole?" Olli asked his voice scratchy with sleep, "Is that your alarm?"

I sat up and turned my alarm off, not realizing it had been going off. I remained facing away from Olli for a minute, not sure of what to say to him.

"You wanna run and grab some breakfast? I don't really have that much in my pantry." I asked standing up and walking over to my dresser in need of pants to wear.

"Ya. Sure how about Chick-fil-a? It's pretty close to the rink." He said, "Sorry, I just kinda assumed you were going to practice, you know it being optional and all."

"Ya, I was planning on it." I replied slipping into some black sweatpants, a Pens long sleeve, and my black running shoes.

He started to pull on the jeans he was wearing last night when I interrupted him.

"If you don't wanna wear the same clothes as yesterday you could probably wear a pair of my sweats, I mean we're the same height. I get if you don't want to." I blurted out.

"Ya, I... I'd like to." He replied almost blushing.

I drove us to the Chick-fil-a that was closest to the rink in my new dark grey truck. Ya, I bought a truck. Then we ordered breakfast sandwiches, OJ and sat down at a table near the back. We talked more about the up coming season until our food came and the conversation quickly changed to the food we missed from home. He said he missed his moms mushroom soup and I told him about my moms epic chicken and dumplings. Then the conversation changed back to how great the season has been going.

"It's been crazy, eh?" I asked.

"Eh? It's almost like you're Canadian." He chuckled.

"Ya, almost." I replied taking a bit of my sandwich.

We finished our breakfast and went to practice. We were 2 out of the 10 people that went to the practice. I was sitting in my stall taking my elbow pads off when Olli came and sat down in his stall next to mine.

"Do you wanna go to dinner tonight?" He whispered so the other guys wouldn't ask questions.

"Li-like a date?" I asked stunned at the sudden question.

"Not like a date, A Date." He said with confidence.

"Sure. But where will you be taking me?"

"Morton's steak house. I'll be by to pick you up at 6." He said, "And where something nice."

We walked out to my truck and I dropped him off at the apartment he had gotten with Jayson after he found out he was staying with the Pens. I drove back to my place and immediately hopped in the shower. When I got out I dried my hair and put it into a bun. Then I did my makeup as normal, which was nothing more than concealer, mascara, winger eyeliner, and lipgloss. Then I slipped on a sleeveless dress with a white top, blue belt and a black and white chevron bottom, blue sandals with gold studs and a black blazer. I looked at the clock and it read 5:53, he would be here any minute so I slipped my phone and wallet into my clutch and sat on my couch until there was a knock on the door. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door, turning the knob. When I opened the door in front of me stood a red faced Olli in a black polo shirt and khaki pants, his hair was askew and he looked adorably sexy.

"You look... Wow. You look really good." He said leading me out the door, down the stairs and to his car.

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