Chapter 23

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Nicole's P.O.V.

It was 7am the next morning and I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. In most cases that would be a bad thing but because of it I didn't slip into coma.

And because it was 7am I had all night to dwell over the fight Olli and I had. But in all honesty he really was over bearing. I as much as I wanted us to be all good I knew that because I was hurt he'd want to spend more time with me.

I realized that I hadn't showered since the game and I smelled pretty bad. So I slipped off my sweats and stepped into the shower. The hot water immersed me completely and I took a deep breathe as I rubbed my coconut body wash over my body.

When I was done I turned on some music and danced around naked. I stopped and looked in the body mirror I had on the bathroom door. I took in all the bruises and scars on my body, non of them were self inflicted but there were a lot.

I saw the scar from a skate on my hip, and the on my jaw, and the scar form surgery on my wrist. Along with the dozens of scars from my ex, like the ones on my back from the belt he used. I wondered if Olli had noticed the scars and just not said anything about them.

I sat on my bed after I got dressed and saw I had a text from Sid.

'Do you need a ride to the rink?' I read.

'I can't practice though' I replied.

'I know. You have an appointment with the doc, to see how long you'll be out' he wrote back.

'Oh. Ya I need a ride. Thanks'

'No prob. I'll be over in 15' he replied.

I grabbed my backpack/purse and sat at my table eating a quick breakfast before Sid knocked on my door.

"Hey," I opened the door, "thanks for the ride."

"Sure. It's no problem." He smiled.

We walked down to the parking garage and I hopped into the passenger side of his truck.

We drove to the rink and I walked in with a blistering headache. I made my way to the examination room and quickly sat down on a table before I fainted.

"Hey, Nic are you ok?" I heard behind me.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to see who it was. It was Olli.

"Ya. I'm fine, just a little light headed." I smile weakly at him, "what are you doing here?"

"I... I'm getting my shoulder examined." He looked ashamed, "it's been really hurting for about a week. Like more than it did at first."

"Olli. You shouldn't be playing, if you hurt it more... Who knows what'll happen." I said.

"I know I just wanna finish the season."

"Ok. Fine." I knew he was strong headed and he want going to change his decision, so I just dropped the conversation.

I got my head examined and the doctor said that I would be out for the rest of the season and then the first 2 to 3 games of the playoffs. To say I was pissed was an understatement, I was mad about not going to be there for the first game of the playoffs but I think I was more upset because of how I treated Olli.

I made my way back to my apartment, with my new meds and took a well deserved nap.

My phone woke me up and saw Jaysons contact on my screen.

"Whhaaattt?" I groaned at him.

"Can you come over? Olli's shoulders really bugging him and he won't let me do anything, I was hoping he'd listen to you." He said and I could here Olli groan in the background.

"I doubt he'll listen to me. But I'll come over anyway, and I umm...I can't exactly drive."

"I'll come over and get you." He said, and the line clicked dead.

I was worried. We may have been arguing but I loved Olli and if he kept acting like an idiot and playing injured I was going to be truly upset.

Jay arrived at my door in about 10 minutes and took me over to their apartment. When he unlocked the door I heard Olli groan again and I winced at the sound.

"He's in his room." Jay told me, "HEY OLLI! NIC'S HERE!" He yelled in the direction of Olli's room.

"I don't wanna see her." He said back as I walked over to his room, "she hates me." He mumbled into his pillow.

I almost scoffed at his remark, "Olli Maatta, if you ever say I hate you again you'll know what real pain is." I said walking over to his bed, "take your shirt off I wanna look at your shoulder." I instructed.

He sat up and carefully removed his baby blue shirt. I saw that his shoulder was bruised, not swollen just about 3 different shades of purple.

I carefully placed my hand on it and he winced. I moved my hand over it, feeling the muscles, "What happened? I mean it looked fine this morning." I asked.

"I uh... I fell off he couch... While I was taking a nap." He looked so embarrassed and cute.

"Smooth." I laughed, "you should ice it then heat it and the pain should go away but the bruising will be there."

"How do you know so much?" He asked laying back down onto the bed.

"I may not have gone to college but I took AP biology in high school." I smiled, "Uh... I should get going. I hope your shoulder feels better." I said getting up.

"Don't go!" He said quickly, "Look Nic I'm sorry. I love you, and I know you can take care of yourself I just hate seeing you in pain."

"Olli." I smiled at him, "I love you too. I'm sorry. I just was pissed and loopy and yes, I'll stay."

"Yay!" He smiled weakly, and patted the bed next to him.

I sat down next to him and kissed his lips. Before I could pull away he grabbed the back of my neck and I rolled over so I straddled him.

"Close the door." He breathed.

I got up and closed the door. And by the time I turned around his jeans wee on the floor.

"Wow you're in a hurry." I smiled as I stripped off my T-shirt.

"I missed you." He blushed.

I crawled back on top of him and before I kew it we were naked. He flipped us over so he was on top and that clearly didn't work considering he could put barely any weight on his shoulder.

So I flipped us back over.

"I'm on top today. So just sit back and relax."


"My shoulder feels much better." He smirked, while I laid my head against he bare, sweaty chest.

I just rolled my eyes, causing him to laugh.

"I love you," he whispered, "I love your smile, your hair, your tattooed body, your personality, and your sense of humor, I love your freckles and dimples, and the way your eyes change into this dark blue during a game, and then they turn light blue when your happy. And I love that you love me, and all my awkwardness."

I didn't respond I just sighed, and smiled into his chest.

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