Chapter 9

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Nicole's P.O.V.

When we got back from St. Louis the team just seemed tired, we lost against the Blues and then we lost against the Flyers. That one was painful. But the team was closer together than ever, if one thing brings people closer together than winning it's losing. We had a practice before our game against the Predators, and after I was sitting on a bike when Suttsy walked up and got on the one next to me.

"Hey Brandon, what's up?" I asked.

"Not much you know hockey and stuff. You?" He replied while he started pedaling.

"Same. You know just hockey and stuff." I replied with a smirk.

"So uh... You and uh... Olli huh" Brandon said after a little while.

Shit how does he know!

"What?" I asked like I was clueless, "I don't like Olli."

"Oh come on! You guys spend so much time together! And he totally has a crush on you."

"Well he can do that, cause I don't want to get seriously involved with a team mate." I said.

"Well, who ever you choose just know that the rest of us won't keep trying to get in your pants." He said, maybe a little to casually.

"What?!" I said choking on my water.

"We had a meeting. All the single guys agreed we'd let you choose."

"Oh my god! You guys had a meeting!" I said in disbelief.

"Ya! I mean you're hot!"

"Ok. I'm gonna go now!" I responded quickly getting of the bike and making my way to the stretching area.

When I was done with my workout I drove home and took a nice, long shower to loosen my muscles before our game. I took my nap and had my normal pre-game meal before I drove to the rink.

When the puck dropped the game was fast paced and full of energy. The Preds got an early goal after it deflected off Olli's skate and past Flower. He was really beating himself up for that one on the bench. He really put to much pressure on himself. But that didn't matter because we answered with 4 unanswered goals from Neal (AN: to soon? Sorry :(((() Letang, Dupuis and Sutter. But in my opinion Tanner Glass was the hero of this game, after blocking 3 consecutive shots 2 of them coming from Shea Weber. Because of that he was properly given the nickname 'BulletProof Glass'. When the game was over I decided to head home with Olli to watch some game footage. And I wanted to ask him what was wrong, he had been really quite and he was kind of shutting me out.

"Do really not like me? Are you just using me?" Olli suddenly blurted out when we got into my apartment.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I yelled back.

"I heard you talking to Brandon in the gym, you said you didn't like me, and that you never wanted to get involved with a teammate!" He said turning red.

"I said that so he didn't figure out we were together!" I answered truthfully.

"Really? Cause from what it sounded like you sounded pretty sure!"

"If you don't think we should hide this so we don't get in trouble then maybe we shouldn't be together at all!" I yelled at him, saying before I was thinking.

Suddenly all the color drained out of Olli's face. "You-you don't think we should be together."

"Well, if you're going to get mad at me for lying just to save our asses then ya." I said looking at my feet.

"Nicole, I don't want this to be over. I'm sorry I got mad, I don't know I just got upset over what you said." He said looking me in the eye.

"It's ok. I'm sorry I brought up the idea of is not being together."

"Come here" Olli said pulling me into a hug.

We stood there with our arms wrapped around each other, his nose in the crook of my neck.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"Olli," I said pulling away.

"No it's true. I love you. I've never felt this way about somebody before. The only explanation is that I-" I cut him off with a powerful kiss full of passion.

"I love you, too" I said smiling into the kiss.

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