Chapter 24

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Nicole's P.O.V.

May arrived. And it all went down hill. I had gotten back from my concussion but that didn't seem to do any good, the series against Columbus was a uphill battle but the series against the Rangers was just bizarre. We lost the first, no big deal. Then we kicked ass for 3 games and then lost 3.

We were out of the playoffs.

After the final game it wasn't the kind of pain where you cry, it was the kind of pain where you just feel numb and don't wanna believe anything.

We sat in the locker room after the game and it was silent. There were a million things to be said but nobody, not even Dan, knew exactly what how to say it.

"Ok, that sucked," I piped up, "Who are we kidding we lost that game and the seasons over. There's nothing we can do about it. I know that by October not all of us will be sitting in is locker room and that kinda breaks my heart. But it was fun while it lasted."

I looked around the room and everybody was about half undressed, with there heads hung low.

Nobody else said anything that night and I made my way home.

By the time I was showered and semi ready for bed the highlights from the game were on NHL Game Center, along with the season ending goal. And I watched it until I was in tears. I watched it one more time and then slammed the top of my laptop shut and fell back onto my bed.

I almost didn't hear the knock on my door over the blasting Fall Out Boy song in the background. I walked to my door and opened it expecting to see Olli but instead I saw Sidney, almost in tears.

"Sidney." I stated.

"Hi," he smiled weakly, "I'm sorry to come over so suddenly but I just wanted company and I hate to be sexist but I feel like I can't breakdown in front of any of the guys."

I didn't say anything after that I just pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his strong arms around my waist.

I lead him to the couch and for about 10 minutes he just cried into my shoulder, mumbling things about how he could have done better and how horrible he felt. I just agreed with him, feeling that's same pain of not doing enough.

We separated my grey shirt stained with Sids tears.

"I'm gonna go now." He sniffed, "You really don't know how much I appreciated this."

"It's really no problem." I smiled at him as he walked out the door.

"I'll see you on Thursday." He sighed, he meant locker clear out day.

"Ya, I'll see you then." I said as he walked out and shut the door.

I walked over to my fridge and grabbed a beer out of my fridge hoping it would help relieve the head ache I was getting.

I decided to check my phone and say all the alerts about the game. I figured twitter wasn't going to be any better but I still had to check.

It was nothing new, there were the fans who were devastated but still proud of the season and there were all the once saying that we deserved it.

But one caught my eye.

Claude Giourx tweeted: Happy the Pens are out. They deserved it. Especially that slut St.Claire.

I knew better than to start an internet war with him but that didn't mean I wasn't steaming. I already hated him and this didn't help.

There was another knock on the door and I walked over and was happy to see Olli standing on the other side.

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