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I don't know if it's ironic or just sad that Olli got traded to the Blackhawks in real life like Nicole got traded in the story but it sucks either way.

I truly love Olli and to say he helped me through some rough times of my life would be an understatement. I'd also be lying if I said the day I found out he got traded I didn't cry for a couple hours and then sleep in his jersey,

I can only hope Chicago treats him well and he does nothing but prosper there. And as someone who lives in a city with a fellow central conference team, I can't wait to see him more and cheer for him, and only him on the Hawks, many more times in a year.

Thank you for coming to my sad bitch hours. And thank you Olli for the endless laughter, memories and inspiration.

And Olli, if for any godforsaken reason you read this, message me ;)

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