Chapter 25

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Nicole's P.O.V.

Shortly after the season ended Shero was fired. You never say you want a guy to get canned but I think we all as it coming. I mean you can only go so many years coming up short before some changes need to made.

I never really agreed or disagreed with the decision but I understood it.

I was just getting of my plane from Pittsburgh to Toronto when my phone buzzed with a new message from Mario.

It said that Dan along with other guys for the coaching staff had been fired.

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't surprising, I just hoped that wasn't gonna happen.

I was in Toronto to do a photo shoot and commercial for women's hockey. It wasn't strictly Canadian but I was being filmed in Canada.

I got to the hotel and was happily surprised when I found I was rooming with Caroline Ouellette.

"Hey sweetie." She came and hugged me, "I'm sorry you guys got knocked out of the playoffs."

"Hi, it's ok." I hugged her back, "You know shit happens."

"Ya. You excited for the off season though?" She asked.

"Kinda. I'm just happy it's busy you know. Then hopefully it'll go faster." I smiled.

The commercial and photo shoot went very smoothly.

Basically the photo shoot was about how girls hockey is just as important as men's hockey. It was such an epic concept and execution.

It was the same concept as the speech I had to write for the NHL awards. Which were coming up soon.

While I was in Toronto I decided I would fly down to London to watch some Knight games, and see Olli.

I made my way down to London and surprised Olli at his hotel.

I knocked on the door at around 7pm on the night I arrived.

"Hey lover." I smiled as he opened the door.

"Oh my god!" He smiled pulling me into a hug and spinning me around, "what are you doing here?"

"What? I can't surprise my sexy boyfriend." I ran my hands down his chest.

"Well, I mean you can. I just wasn't expecting it." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I missed you." He breathed in my ear.

"I missed you too." I kissed along his jawline.

He kissed me and there was no going back.

"Olli, the bed." I panted.

He mumbled a response and carried me to the bed, and threw me onto the mattress.

"You don't know how much I love you." He said lifting my shirt off.

"I love you too." I undid the button of his jeans, "so much."


I arrived in Las Vegas for the NHL awards and I was nervous as hell. I had to talk not only in front of not only all the people that were at the event but also everybody who was watching it on TV.

The night of the event I got dressed in my short, tight black T-shirt dress and some black converse.

I made my way to the event and was immediately ambushed with cameras and reporters. I had gotten used to the constant publicity and reporters, and it was helping me overcome my anxiety.

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