{38} Blood Wins

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O dear god. Lemme say, the first draft I had sucked balls. This ones better.

By all means
break the rules,
and break them
and well.

-Robert Bringhurst

T h i r d  P e r s o n  P O V •

Your footsteps echoed through the hall, the heels of your combat boots hitting the tile to make the perfect sound. A white sound.
You came to an abrupt stop when you heard the sound of sobbing, the sound of water spraying everywhere, and quick splashing footsteps.

Carefully, you made your way towards the boys laboratory, looking down to see the tiled floor coated in water, but what you also discovered was the water was tinged red.
Your eyes snapped up in alarm, and your stomach dropped when they locked onto Harry Potter's own green eyes. They were filled with regret.
"Harry?" Your voice cracked as you spoke. "What's wrong?"

He didn't need to answer, because your eyes found Draco Malfoy, your brother, laying on the ground coated in his own blood. Your own boyfriend almost killed him.

"Baby, I can explain-"
"Get out." You croaked, kneeling down next to Draco's trembling body.
"But I-"

"I said get the FUCK OUT HARRY!" You screamed, causing both Professor McGonagall and Snape rush into the room, eyes on the three of you. "Do not speak to me, do not look at me, do not even think about me, Potter." Your voice was hard and dripping with venom as you cradled the crying boys head in your lap. "We are over."


"Do not." You hissed. "Call me Babe. You tried to kill him."
"He tried to kill me!" Harry defended. "Merlin's Beard {Y/N}! Your acting like a bitch! He tried to kill me!"

"Draco would not do that, he knows how important you were to me."


"Leave Mr. Potter." Snape's deep voice commanded the green eyed boy, to which he slowly made his way from the watery room. As soon as he was gone, you broke down into tears. "You made the right choice, Miss
{L/N}." Snape said, a tad bit more softer. "Potter wasn't right for you."
"Shove off Severus." You mumbled, holding your brother closer to you. "I only care for Draco."


"I know what I said Professor." Came your dull reply. "Please calm me down because I want to tear Potter apart."

"Deep breath-"  He started to say but you scoffed.
"That's not gonna help!"

"Let me finish."

"Help my brother." You hissed, wiping the tears from your face. "His dumb ass can thank me later."
And with that you stood up, walking out of the bloodied room as Snape murmured a spell, saving Draco Malfoy's ass yet again.

You had some business to take care of, but I'll just leave it at when Harry arrives to his next class, both his glasses and nose were broken, and Draco was thanking you and applauding you.


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