Chapter 5

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My eyes fluttered open as James shook me awake.

 i groaned "We are finished" he said happily the camera was  pointed on me.

 "introducing the new and improved Sister Ian." 

when he said this out walked Ian but he was in full glam makeup along with 5 inch heels and an Adidas dress.

 i was holding back laughter it didn't work i started giggling.

 he glared at me. "what you look beautiful." i said standing up.

 i took out my phone and took a quick photo.  "can i take this off now?" he asked.

 i looked at James and he smirked and i did too. "well actually we are going to be late for dinner if we don't go now." 

James said. "no i'm not going out like this." "yes you are"

 "lets go i added  bet you can put Adidas tennis shoes at least." i said. 

We walked outside we got lots of stares.

 i was trying so hard not to laugh. 

Dinner was good. Ian couldn't stop scowling.

 James got up to go to the bathroom when he was gone i looked at Ian.

 "sorry i didn't know he was going to do this you look beautiful if it helps" he smiled a little. 

"how about tonight we can have movie night your choice. 

Ill make popcorn and we can pick up a box of chocolate chip cookies" "OK" he said. he was about to hold my hand but James came back and we pulled apart. 

We already payed so we left. We dropped off James and made plans for tomorrow.

 Ian and i picked up cookies and went back to my place. We watched central intelligence. 

i fell asleep cuddled up with him he had taken off the makeup. 

He kissed my forehead as the movie ended. 

He scooped me up and put me too be he covered me in a blanket then went to his room and to bed.

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