Chapter 13

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I heard some rustling in the bushes.  I jumped down expecting Della but out walked three men. Their eyes completely black.

 I felt energy rush through my body. I could feel darkness pulsing off of them. They smirked at me. "our boss is requesting a meeting princess."

 "well hell have to make an appointment I'm busy." they  crept towards me. I felt a tingly feeling and a little weight in my hand I gripped onto something. 

 I looked in my hand there was a sword. I gripped it with a smirk. I got ready for a fight. They came at me.

 They fought diligently but lost. I stood up and the sword disappeared along with the men. I flipped around as I heard more rustling. 

I jumped back into my hiding spot. I watched quietly. My toughness melted away when i saw Ian. I jumped down. 

He smiled. "Taylor!" we ran too each other and embraced. We pulled into a kiss. We pulled apart smile. "So this is real" I said looking at Della. 

"I'm afraid so I'm sorry we couldn't tell you earlier I'm your guide like Della here. Ian is your paladin, we need to move the demons were here and more will be here any second."

"You need to call Felicity." I was still taking this in. "Felicity? Who is that? And how." "Well Felicity is your guardian"

"sing the tune you made up when you were 7 and when you do this Drake Ian's guardian will also come."

 "umm ok" I started singing a small tune. I heard the flapping of wings and the whinny of a horse. I looked up too see a freakin alicorn. 

She was beautiful pure white and super long mane and with her was an alicorn dark as night. That was drake. They landed with a Winnie.

 I smiled as the alicorns nuzzled me. "You two are beautiful" Drake walked over to Ian. "Ian this is Drake your guardian." Ian smiled. 

"ok lets go I have a feeling there are more demons" I hopped onto Felicity, Ian on Drake, and we watched as Della grew into a huge dragon and James got on. 

We started flying. I could feel darkness all around the forest. 

We flew for about an hour and the horses needed a break so we landed and they started too rest. 

"Ok let's go get some food wait what about Della?" I asked. She smiled. "I will be fine James will stay with you go get some food." 

"ok c'mon boys" I smiled and held Ian's hand as we walked out of the forest we were near a highway there was an off road diner. 

We walked in and sat down. I still felt dark energy but I just am assuming it's just nerves. 

We waited for a person to come but no one came. 

I finally looked around no one was in here. I sniffed the air smelling blood. I looked at jams and Ian.

"guys we need to go now"  "what why we just found you?" I heard a demonic voice come into my mind. 

I stood up pulling Ian up. I tried to open the door it didn't budge. I groaned.  the darkness got darker. 

I felt a cold air settle over us. I got ready for a fight. 

I smelt something in the air, I started getting dizzy. I tripped and fell. I flipped onto my back. 

Just before I blacked out I saw the smiling face of  Toby.

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