Chapter 7

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We walked into the other room and Ian sat in front of us out of the camera. James and i sat in front of a white back drop on white stools in front of us was a table covered in makeup.

James turned on the camera and did his intro. I giggled as he introduced me. "today we will be giving Taylor a full glam its not like she needs it, perfection" i smiled big. "thanks" "k lets get started. and while i do her make up we will be answering your questions. " i got nervous now Ian gave me thumbs up and i relaxed.

"what diets do you do to stay fit" i bursted out laughing "oh i eat everything i just exercise a lot"  "were you ever bullied" i saw Ian clench his jaw as he stiffened.  "uhh yeah i was very badly too  I had a lot of depression i mean i still do i probably would not be here if i hadn't had Ian or James."

 i finally looked at James he ad a hand on his heart but Ian was just looking at me he had a tear in his eyes. "girl can i just say i am  so glad that you are here now you are literally the best person i have ever met and i dint get why anyone would hate on you"

 "ok next question" i said smiling. "ok where are you parents from?" i giggled. 

"well actually i was adopted i don't know here my actual parents are from but my parents now are the best people ever i love them so much OK wow tell the story of when i got in a fight for you James."  he started his story as he continued with my makeup he was quickly finished it was amazing. 

"OK you look amazing but now its time for the surprise" "what? I'm ready" i said excitedly. "Today you will be living my life We are going to get our Starbucks a shoot which you are already good at,  Jeffrey will be doing your nails you never wear fake nail or even nail polish" i rolled my eyes.

 "we have a vocal lesson set up to I've actually never heard you sing before.""well i don't feel comfortable singing front of people plus I'm terrible." 

"oh well i've done it and its your turn" Ian said. "lets get her in some sister merch"

He put me in a sweatshirt and short shorts.  he put me in Adidas tennis shoes it was an OK outfit but i had a feeling later i might be dressed weirdly. We left the apartment and went to Starbucks.

When you date James Charles brotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora