Chapter 6

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(2 months later)

Jacob POV

I went to same pack because Sam said he wanted to talk to me. I saw the pack so I walked up to them.

"Hey what you want to talk about". I asked. Sam walked up to me. "Jac...You have to stop seeing Renesmee". He said. I had a shock look. "What...". I said. He cleared his throat. "Your leading the vulture to her because of your smell". He said. My heart broke. My Renesmee. I stop seeing her. " it to protect her". Sam said. I breathed. I wiped my tear away. I breathed and nodded. "...okay".


I walked in the forest. Jacob wanted to talk to me but I didn't know for what. I saw him standing in the forest. I smiled. I went up to him. 

"Hey". I said and went to kiss him but he moved his head. I looked at him. "...What". i said. He breathed and looked at me, disgust was in his eyes. 

"". He said. I was getting confused. He would nevercally me that name unless we were around people. "...I don't love you anymore". He said. My eyes went wide.

He's probably just teasing me. He would tell me some bad jokes but they weren't so I just went with it. I laughed. "Jacob don't play like that". I said. I went to hug him but he pushed me to the ground. I looked up at him, shock. Hatred was in his eyes. "Listen you disgusting vampire...I. don't. love. you. Anymore. You are just a old little monster that eats blood". He said. My heart broke into pieces. My stomach was tight. "So I won't be seeing you least I won't be getting afraid when you open your mouth". He said. I cried because I new what he met. I stood up. I stilled loved. "Wait...please don't leave me...I still love you". I said. He growled at me. "Don't come close to me you old ass". He said. I just stood there. Tears left my eyes. "Your as dead as your mom and dad". He said. I cried. Then he started walking and disappeared. I cried. 

"No...wait...jac...please don't leave me...please...I love you". I said. I used my speed to search for him but he was gone. I cried. "Please. I'm scared". I said. I kept looking but...he was gone. I cried and stopped. I laid on a grass and cried. Why would he say that...what did I do wrong...I cried. 

(Time skip)

I walked in side the Sakamaki mansion. My eyes were red from crying. 

"Hey pancake. Times for yours truly to drink some...pancake what happened". He asked. I ignored him and went to my room. I pulled over the covers and laid down. I cried. He never loved all made since...what he said for me to wear or what to eat or what to do...he wanted me to be Yui...not renesmee...not the person that I was...and what I wanted to be...

(one week later)

After Jacob left me...I been depressed...each day was like a painful school I would see him talking to other girls...smiling...not telling them to put on your eye contacts because its creeping him out...he was being a romantic person. It stabbed my heart to see him happy...with other people...I was just the monster...the girl who was feared and horrifying...I realize now that who would love a monster like me...

I was looking out the window. Watching the moon pass by. I was scared to go to school and see Jacob take to multiple of girls. It always stabbed my heart. 

I felt someone touch my leg but I didn't bother looking. 

"You okay Pancake". Ayato asked but I ignored him. Then the Sakamaki's started arguing. I just wanted to be home right now. In my bed...crying until I fell asleep...Then I felt the car didn't move right. Then the car went flying. I screamed of shock. Then I was outside. I was being held. I looked up and saw Ayato. I looked the other side and saw the limo on fire. I stood up. 

"What happened". I asked. 

"he driver of the car was a fury. They are capable of that kind of careless". Reiji said. 

"Ya but this wasn't some kind of occurrence". She said. I felt a presence. "Then what could of it been". Kanato said. I looked around. "Ah. I found a clue". Lito said. I looked up and saw four boys. One caught my eye. I saw a guy with purple hair and purple eyes. Why was I interested in him. He said something but I couldn't here. Then I heard it again.

"...Eve". He said. Then he disappeared. I looked down.

Why did he call me Eve. 

Ruki POV

We went in the school. I told that beautiful girl Eve. Why didn't I just call her Yui. It is so much better. But she looked sad...I don't want her to be sad...not at all...I bet she looks perfect when she smiles...she looks enchanting with her eyes...I would want to see her everyday so I could just get to know her...I hope i can...please...


I was in the garden. I was looking at the roses. I thought of Jacob. I'm still trying to find out why he left me. What did I do wrong. All I did was do as he said...was it because I did something wrong...

I touched the rose...I just want to be with my parents...I want to hug them and say 'Why do I love Jacob. Why is he still in my head. Why was I still in love with the man that broke my heart'. A rose petal fell off. I picked it up and looked at it. The guy from the rode went in my mind. Why is he going in my head. I didn't want to be with another man...not when I just been heart broken. 

Then I felt a presence. I looked around but didn't see anyone. I kept looking around and saw nothing. I breathed heavy. 

"Found you".  Someone said behind me, i turned around and saw the guy from the road. He had blonde hair with blue eyes. He had the petal that I was holding before. 

"Who are you". I said. I moved back. I was about to use my speed to run but I saw another guy. He had green hair and purple eyes. I went the other way to run but I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a guy with red hair and red eyes. 

I started getting worried and ran the other way. I kept running. 'Jacob...'.

I saw the Sakamaki mansion. 

'I'm scared'...

I saw the Sakamaki mansion but someone came out of the fog. I stopped. I saw that guy from the road. His purple hair with his purple eyes. I breathed. 

' me...'.

"Eve.I come for you". He said. I got scared. He grabbed my hands and pulled me close to him. Then I saw darkness.

...whats going to happen to me...

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