Chapter 23

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Edward POV

I sighed, walking to Renesmee room, seeing her laying on the bed, looking out the window.

I need to apologies to her..I been so stressed about her life that.. forgot to be a father...

I knocked on the door, seeing her look at me. I smiled. " you feeling". I asked, sitting on the bed. She sighed. "..better". She said. I smiled, looking around. "Where's Ruki". I asked. She sighed. "He's getting more blood for me. Hunting with the guys". She said. I nodded, smiling. "..I'm so sorry..for how I have treated you". I said. She stared at me. "I was so afraid to lose you that I was only thinking about myself. Not you and what you wanted and I'm so sorry". I said, seeing her tear up. She held my hand. I sniffled. "I know now you don't deserve me as a father..but give me the chance to prove myself that I can be a better protector..for you and the baby". I said. She grinned. "Of course". She said. I smiled, rubbing her stomach.


That's when I froze. "What..". I asked, to Renesmee confusion. "what". She asked. I stared at the stomach with disbelief.

"Grandpa is that you".

I gasped with excitement. "I can hear it". I said, to Renesmee shock. "What is it saying". She asked. I grinned, tearing up.

"Grandpa. Tell mommy i love her and that I'm a girl and that I'm happy".

I grinned, excitedly. "It's a girl..and she loves you and she happy". I said. She teared up, excitedly, grinned. She looked down at her stomach and grinned. "Of course you are..of course". She said. I grinned, laughing. She grinned as well, hugging me. I hugged her back.

Ruki POV

I came back home with the guys, holding some blood for Renesmee. I looked up at her window and saw both her and her dad hugging, making me smile.

..there happy...

(Time skip)

I was pouring more blood for Renessmee while she was laying on the couch. i sighed, walking to the living room and smiled, seeing her watch love simon. I smiled, giving her the cup and cuddled with her while she smiled, hugging me back. "I remembered our first date we watched this movie with you". I said, feeling her smile. "Ya. Cried on the most stupid parts". She said, hearing her laugh. I smiled, looking down at her. She looked up at me. "I was talking to dad..and he told me he heard the baby". She said, to my shock. "What". I asked. She grinned. "'s a girl". She whispered, to my excitement. I hugged her, laughing, tearing up. She grinned, hugging me back. I cried, kissing her cheek with excitement. "OMG. I love you". I said. "I love you more". She said, grinning at me. I grinned, kissing her, hearing her giggle.

Jacob POV

I growled, glaring at Ruki while He kissed Renessmee. I glared at them.

..that was supposed to be me..

(Time skip)

Renessmee POV

I sighed, reading a book with Ruki while everyone was watching TV. I sighed, smiling up at him. "What should we name her". I asked. He thought. "How about..Yui". He said, making me grin. "That sounds like a excellent idea". I said. He grinned, kissing my neck, making me smile. Then..I felt a sharp pain. I groan, clenching his arm, feeling the sharp pain worsen. "Ugh". I said, dropping the blood, to my parents fear. Everyone rushed up to me. "it's time". Grandpa said, to our fear.

(Time skip)

I was on the bed, getting ready to give birth. "Ruki. Your gonna have to leave. There's gonna be a lot of blood for you that you can't handle". He said. "I don't care. I'm staying with Renessmee. I'm not leaving her". He said but dad held his shoulder. "Come on. Bella will be with her". He said. Ruki gave me a worried look and left. Carlisle nodded. "alright. On 3. You push". He said. I breathed nervously, holding moms hand. "1. 2. 3". That's when I pushed. I held moms hand, painfully while pushing. I gasped, hissing in pain and whined, sweating.

..the pain was unbearable..the whole thing..but it was sorta relaxing knowing this was how real birth felt like..but sorta stress full..

Ruki POV

I walked back and fourth, fearly, afraid, worried. I prayed to the gods she would be okay, including the baby. "She'll be fine Ruki". Edward said. I sighed, nervously. Then Carlisle came out, smiling, making us all freeze. "..come see Yui". He said, to my excitement and shock.  "..I'm a dad". I whispered, walking in the room. I froze, seeing Renessmee hold our baby, smiling. She looked at me and grinned, holding her hand out. "Someone wants to meet you". She whispered. I grinned, happily, walking over to her and looked down at Yui. She was sleeping, happily while cuddled up to her mother. I grinned, kissing her head, tearing up. "Oh. She's beautiful". I whispered, happily. "She's like you". She said, smiling up at me. I grinned. "No..she's just like you". I said. She smiled, grinning, happily. Renessmee then yawned tiredly, looking droopy. I held the baby, letting her sleep while laying next to her, watching the baby and her sleep.

Edward POV

Bella smiled, walking over to me and sat next to me. I smiled. "How is she". I asked. She smiled. "Good. She'll be okay". She said. I smiled, kissing her head.

Ruki POV

I sighed, watching my baby girl sleep while she whined. I smiled, holding her little hand.

"..daddies gonna be here to protect you and mommy..don't you worry about anything". I whispered, grinning.

Jacob POV

I watched in agony while Ruki held Renessmee baby. I growled, turning into a wolf, rushing away.

(Time skip)

I went into a room, growling while punching the wall. I growled, angrily, looking around, angrily.

...why not me..

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